Personal information
Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Dierk RAABE
Department of Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design
Max-Planck-Institut Für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
Music, Musikhochschule Rheinland, 1983-84
Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics, RWTH Aachen, Diplom, summa cum laude, 1984-1990
Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics, RWTH Aachen, Dr.-Ing., summa cum laude, 1990-1992 (Advisor: Prof. Lücke)
Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics, RWTH Aachen, Habilitation, 1992-1997
Main Awards & Memberships
Adolf-Martens Award, BAM Berlin
4 Best - Paper Awards
Masing Award, German Society for Materials Science DGM
Heisenberg Scholarship, German Research Foundation DFG
Materials Science and Technology Price, Federation of European Materials Science Societies FEMS
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award, German Research Foundation DFG
Elected as Nr. 1 among the TOP-10 of German Scientists below the age of 45 (Bild der Wissenschaft)
Lee Hsun Lecture Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008
Member of Council of Science and Humanities of the German Government (Wissenschaftsrat 2010-2016)
Weinberg Lecture Award, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2011
DGM Award (Award of the German Society for Materials Science), 2011
2 ERC Advanced Grants (2012, 2022)
Member National Academy Leopoldina & NRW Academy of Sciences
Honorary Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2014
Doctor Honoris Causa at NTNU
Werner Koester Award, 2015
ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal, 2016
Bauerman Lecture Award, Imperial College, 2019
KAIST Lecture Series Award, KAIST, Korea, 2019
Chair of Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy, USA, 2019
Professor, RWTH Aachen
since 1999 Director at the Max–Planck–Institut für Eisenforschung
1997 –1999 Scientist at the Department for Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA & Scientist at the US National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida USA
1992-97 Scientist and group leader, Institute for Metal Physics, RWTH Aachen
Service Activities (selected)
Member of several selection boards of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (since 2007)
Member of Governors Board of Acta Materialia Inc. (2007-2014)
Member of Council of Science and Humanities of German Government (Wissenschaftsrat) (2010-2017)
Member of Materials Science and Engineering Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation (ESF) (since 2008)
Chairman of Board of Governors (Hochschulrat) of RWTH Aachen University (2012-2017)
Senator of Helmholtz Society
Vice Senator of Leopoldina
Scientific Interests and Mission: Sustainable materials, alloy design, microstructure, computational materials science, atom probe , mechanical properties of alloys
Recent Publications
Z. Li, K.G. Pradeep, Y. Deng, D. Raabe, C.C. Tasan, Metastable high-entropy dual-phase alloys overcome the strength-ductility trade-off, Nature 534 (2016) 227-230.
S. Jiang, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X. Liu, H. Chen, M. Yao, B. Gault, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, A. Hirata, M. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, Ultrastrong steel via minimal lattice misfit and high-density nanoprecipitation, Nature 544 (2017) 460–464.
M. Kuzmina, M. Herbig, D. Ponge, S. Sandlöbes, D. Raabe, Linear complexions: Confined chemical and structural states at dislocations, Science 349 (2015) 1080-1083.
M. Koyama, Z. Zhang, M. Wang, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, K. Tsuzaki, H. Noguchi, C.C. Tasan, Bone-like crack resistance in hierarchical metastable nanolaminate steels, Science 355 (2017) 1055-1057.
M. J. Duarte, J. Klemm, S. O. Klemm, K. J. J. Mayrhofer, M. Stratmann, S. Borodin, A. H. Romero, M. Madinehei, D. Crespo, J. Serrano, S. S. A. Gerstl, P. P. Choi, D. Raabe, F. U. Renner, Element-Resolved Corrosion Analysis of Stainless-Type Glass-Forming Steels, Science 341 (2013) 372-376.
Raabe, D. et al. Making sustainable aluminum by recycling scrap: The science of “dirty” alloys, Progress in Materials Science, 2022
Y.H. Wen, H.B. Peng, D. Raabe, I. Gutierrez-Urrutia, J. Chen, Y.Y. Du, Large recovery strain in Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory steels obtained by engineering annealing twin boundaries Nature Commun 5 (2014) 4964.
Han, L.; Maccari, F.; Filho, I. R. S.; Peter, N. J.; Wei, Y.; Baptiste, G.; Gutfleisch, O.; Li, Z.; Raabe, D. A Mechanically Strong and Ductile Soft Magnet with Extremely Low Coercivity; Nature, 2022; 608.
M. Herbig, D. Raabe, Y. J. Li, P. Choi, S. Zaefferer, S. Goto, Atomic-Scale Quantification of Grain Boundary Segregation in Nanocrystalline Material, Phys Rev Lett 112 (2014) 126103.
Z. Lei, X. Liu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, S. Jiang, S. Wang, X. Hui, Y. Wu, B. Gault, P. Kontis, D. Raabe, L. Gu, Q. Zhang, H. Chen, H. Wang, J. Liu, K. An, Q. Zeng, T.-G. Nieh, Z. Lu, Enhanced strength and ductility in a high-entropy alloy via ordered oxygen complexes, Nature 563 (2018) pp. 546