Personal information

time & timing, mental abilities, cognitive aging, neurorehabilitation


Employment (5)

Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im Marcelego Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Warszawa, Mazowieckie, PL

1998-05-01 to present | Head of the Laboratory of Neuropsychology
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny: Warszawa, Mazovia, PL

2006-06-20 to 2017-09-30 | President of the Senate Ethic Committee
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny: Warszawa, Mazovia, PL

2004-10-01 to 2017-09-30 | Chair of Neurorehabilitation
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im Marcelego Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Warszawa, Mazowieckie, PL

1987-01-01 to 2004-12-31 | Associate Professor (Docent)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im Marcelego Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Warszawa, Mazowieckie, PL

1984-01-01 to 1986-12-31 | Senior Assistanst
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Education and qualifications (3)

Uniwersytet Warszawski: Warszawa, PL

1984-10-01 to 1986-09-30 | Speech Therapist, (Postgraduate Study for Speech Therapists, Faculty of the Polish Studies, Warsaw University)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Instytut Biologii Doswiadczalnej im M Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Warszawa, mazowieckie, PL

1978-10-01 to 1984-12-31 | PhD Dissertation
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Uniwersytet Warszawski: Warszawa, mazowieckie, PL

1969-10-01 to 1975-09-30 | MSc (Faculty of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Professional activities (17)

Polskie Towarzystwo Neuropsychologiczne: Kraków, PL

2018 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Timing Research Forum (TRF): Athens, GR

2016-01-01 to present | member
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Human Science Centre, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich: Munich, DE

1999 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum : Warszawa, PL

1993-09-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

International Brain Research Organization: Paris, Ile-de-France, FR

1991 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies: Brussels, BE

1990 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

European Brain and Behaviour Society: Bordeaux, Aquitaine, FR

1990 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: Munich, DE

1999-01-01 to 2020-12-31 | Member of the Human Science Center (nominated by the Rector of LMU - prof. dr Andreas Heldrich)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

President of the Republic of Poland: Warsaw, PL

2020-10-09 | Order of Polonia Restituta Fifth Class, Krzyż Kawalerski, the Knight's Cross
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

University College Cork: Cork, IE

2018-10-04 to 2018-10-10 | ERASMUS PLUS, Invited Lecturer
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny: Warszawa, Mazovia, PL

2007 to 2017 | Chair of the Senate Ethic Commission
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

COST TD 0904 TIMELY: Brussels, BE

2010 to 2014 | Vice-chair and Member of Management Council
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Future and Emerging Technologies: Brussels, BE

2010-04-27 to 2013-10-17 | Vice-chair and Management Committee Member of TIMELY Cost
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

President of the Republic of Poland: Warszawa, Mazowieckie, PL

2009-10-01 | Golden Medal of Merit (Złoty Krzyż Zasługi)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Vivian Smith Advanced Studies Institute/ Huston Health Center and International Neuropsychological Society : Huston, US

2002-07-01 to 2002-07-31 | Invited Lecturer Summer Institute in Neuropsychology
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: München, DE

1991-12-01 to 1993-08-31 | Humbolt Research Fellowship
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Goethe Institut: Munchen, Bayern, DE

1991-09-01 to 1991-11-30 | Zertificat Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Funding (21)

Różnice indywidualne w subiektywnym przeżywaniu czasu: wskaźniki neuropsychologiczne, EEG i fMRI

2019-04 to 2022-10 | Grant
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Kraków, PL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Poznawcze predyktory zależności-niezależności od pola – porównanie młodych dorosłych i seniorów

2019-01 to 2019-10 | Grant
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny (Warszawa, PL)

BST WP/2018/B/36 (Wykonawca)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

The application of training in temporal information processing using Dr Neuronowski® program in children with dyslexia

2018-10 to 2022-12 | Contract
University College Cork (Cork, IE)

Mutual Agreement on collaboration between the Nencki Institute and the University Cork College for the use of Dr. Neuronowski® software in the University College Cork (Koordynator)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuronalne korelaty terapii opartej na czasowym przetwarzaniu informacji u osób z afazją.

2017-10 to 2022-09 | Grant
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Kraków, PL)

UMO-2016/21/B/HS6/03775 (Wykonawca)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Jak zwiększyć sprawność umysłu seniora: trening poznawczy czy ćwiczenia fizyczne

2016-04 to 2021-04 | Grant
National Science Center (Krakow, PL)

2015/17/B/HS6/04182 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Innowacyjny program wspierający terapię zaburzeń mowy oraz innych zaburzeń funkcjonowania poznawczego. INMET

2012-08-01 to 2016-01-31 | Grant
National Centre for Research and Development (Warsaw, PL)

INNOTECH-K1/IN1/30/159041/NCBR/12 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Time In MEntaL activitY: theoretical, behavioral, bioimaging, and clinical perspectives (TIMELY)

2010 to 2014 | Grant
6th FP EU COST (Bruksela, BE)

TIMELY Action TD0904 (Vice-Chair i członek Management Council)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Innovative methods in neuropsychological rehabilitation: a German-Polish Research Collaboration

2009 to 2012 | Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, DE)

DFG nr 436 POL 113/126/0-1 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Percepcja czasu a poziom inteligencji – w poszukiwaniu neuronalnych korelatów intelektu

2009 to 2012 | Grant
MNiSW (Warszawa, PL)

NN106109636, 1096/B/H03/2009/36 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Trening w percepcji czasu wyzwaniem dla terapii afazji

2009 to 2012 | Grant
MNiSW, program DFG (Warszawa, PL)

507/1/N-DFG/2009/0 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Cognitive functions ameliorated by the Fast forWord training

2007 to 2012 | Grant
Scientific Learning Corporation, (Oakland, CA, US)

Mutual Agreement (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Nowe metody terapii afazji

2007 to 2008 | Grant
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (Warszawa, mazowieckie, PL)

NN402434633 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuroanatomiczne korelaty percepcji czasu

2006 to 2009 | Grant
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (Warszawa, mazowieckie, PL)

1082/P01/2006/31, 402 031 31/10823 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Diagnoza neuropsychologiczna wczesnych stadiów choroby Alzheimera

2005 to 2010 | Grant
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki (Warszawa, PL)

WKP_1/1.4.3/1/2004/11/11/52/2005/U (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Nowe horyzonty w terapii afazji: percepcja i subiektywne przeżywanie czasu

2003 to 2006 | Grant
Komitet Badań Naukowych i Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Warszawa, Bonn, PL)

PBZ-MIN/001/PO5/06 (Kierownik części polskiej)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychologiczne podłoże wznawiania funkcji rozumienia mowy u pacjentów po wszczepieniu implantów ślimakowych

2001 to 2004 | Grant
Komitet Badań Naukowych (Warszawa, PL)

4 P05B 101 19 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Psychologiczne mechanizmy funkcjonowania osób stuletnich

2001 to 2004 | Grant
Komitet Badań Naukowych (Warszawa, PL)

PolStu2001 (Kierownik projektu psychologicznego)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychologiczne podłoże głuchoty

1999 to 2000 | Grant
Fundacja Współpracy Polsko - Niemieckiej (Warszawa, PL)

4275/98/LN (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychologiczne podłoże wznawiania funkcji mowy u pacjentów po wszczepieniu implantów ślimakowych

1999 to 1999 | Grant
V Program Ramowy Commission of the European Communities (Bruksela, BE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychological Basis of Language Development

1995 to 1999 | Grant
Komitet Badań Naukowych (Warszawa, PL)

No 4. PO5E 09609 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Language and Timing

1994 to 1998 | Grant
Commission of the European Communities (Bruksela, BE)

ERBMHCT 920218 (Kierownik)

Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Works (50 of 82)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Age as a moderator of the relationship between planning and temporal information processing

Scientific Reports
2022-12-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2045-2322
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychological correlates of P300 parameters in individuals with aphasia

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
2022-09-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1368-2822
Part of ISSN: 1460-6984
Contributors: Elzbieta Szelag
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Sub- and Supra-Second Timing in Auditory Perception: Evidence for Cross-Domain Relationships

Frontiers in Neuroscience
2022-01-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1662-453X
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Altered event-related potentials and theta oscillations index auditory working memory deficits in healthy aging

Neurobiology of Aging
2021-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0197-4580
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Working Memory in Aphasia: The Role of Temporal Information Processing

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2020-12-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1662-5161
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Maintenance vs. Manipulation in Auditory Verbal Working Memory in the Elderly: New Insights Based on Temporal Dynamics of Information Processing in the Millisecond Time Range

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
2020-07-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1663-4365
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Age-related differences in Voice Onset Time in Polish language users: an ERP study

Acta Psychologica
2019-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Training in temporal information processing ameliorates phonetic identification.

Time Perception and Dysfunction: Clinical and Practical Implications
2019-02-01 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-2-88945-704-5
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Training-induced Changes in Rapid Auditory Processing in Children with Specific Language Impairment: Electrophysiological Indicators.

Time Perception and Dysfunction: Clinical and Practical Implications
2019-02-01 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-2-88945-704-5
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Commentary: Effects of Video Game Training on Measures of Selective Attention and Working Memory in Older Adults: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Mózgowa organizacja funkcjonowania poznawczego

Wprowadzenie do neurologopedii
2018 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-83-7988-210-6
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Spatial and Spectral Auditory Temporal-Order Judgment (TOJ) Tasks in Elderly People Are Performed Using Different Perceptual Strategies

Frontiers in Psychology
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Szelag, E.; Jablonska, K.; Piotrowska, M.; Szymaszek, A.; Bednarek, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Training in Temporal Information Processing Ameliorates Phonetic Identification

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Szymaszek, A.; Dacewicz, A.; Urban, P.; Szelag, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Training-Induced Changes in Rapid Auditory Processing in Children With Specific Language Impairment: Electrophysiological Indicators

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Dacewicz, A.; Szymaszek, A.; Nowak, K.; Szelag, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Neuropsychological mechanisms of dyslexia in deaf individuals: an overview.

Przegląd Psychologiczny
2017 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0048-5675
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

The Treatment Based on Temporal Information Processing Reduces Speech Comprehension Deficits in Aphasic Subjects

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Szymaszek, Aneta; Wolak, Tomasz; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

The application of timing in therapy of children and adults with language disorders.

In: Chen L., Bao Y. & Wittmann M.(Eds.), Sub-and Supra-Second Timing: Brain, Learning and Development, Frontiers Media SA, 91-108.
2017-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Cross-modal comparisons of stimulus specificity and commonality in phonological processing

Brain and Language
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Oron, A.; Wolak, T.; Zeffiro, T.; Szelag, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Electrophysiological Indicators of the Age-Related Deterioration in the Sensitivity to Auditory Duration Deviance

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Nowak, Kamila; Oron, Anna; Szymaszek, Aneta; Leminen, Miika; Naatanen, Risto; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Temporal Information Processing and its Relation to Executive Functions in Elderly Individuals

Frontiers in Psychology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Nowak, Kamila; Dacewicz, Anna; Broczek, Katarzyna; Kupisz-Urbanska, Malgorzata; Galkowski, Tadeusz; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Dr Neuronowski ® - pomysł na bystry umysł i płynną mowę

2016-07-01 | Software
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Dr Neuronowski ®- Pomysł na bystry umysł i płynną mowę. Usprawnianie zegara neuronalnego wspomaga moc naszego umysłu

Harpo, Poznań
2016-07-01 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Możliwości usprawniania mocy umysłu: fakty, mity i perspektywy

Wrzechświat, 117(1-3), 12-20
2016-01-01 | Magazine article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Temporal Information Processing and Language Skills in Children with Specific Language Impairment.

In: Esposito A., Faundez-Zanuy M., Esposito A.M., Cordasco G., Drugman T., Solé-Casals J., Morabito F.C. (Eds.), Recent Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, 45-52.
2016-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Temporal information processing as a basis for auditory comprehension: clinical evidence from aphasic patients

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Oron, Anna; Szymaszek, Aneta; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

The Application of Timing in Therapy of Children and Adults with Language Disorders

Frontiers in Psychology
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Szelag, Elzbieta; Dacewicz, Anna; Szymaszek, Aneta; Wolak, Tomasz; Senderski, Andrzej; Domitrz, Izabela; Oron, Anna
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Aphasia as temporal information processing disorder.

In: Vatakis A., Allman M.J. (Eds.), Time distortions in mind – temporal processing in clinical populations, Brill Publications, Leiden and Boston, 328-355.
2015-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Auditory perception of temporal order: A comparison between tonal language speakers with and without non-tonal language experience

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
2014 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Time perception in aging: Age-related cognitive and temporal decline is reduced by intensive temporal training

International Conference on Timing and Time Perception
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Szelag, Elzbieta; Skolimowska, Justyna
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Training in rapid auditory processing ameliorates auditory comprehension in aphasic patients: A randomized controlled pilot study

Journal of the Neurological Sciences
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Szelag, Elzbieta; Lewandowska, Monika; Wolak, Tomasz; Seniow, Joanna; Poniatowska, Renata; Poeppel, Ernst; Szymaszek, Aneta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Test do badania rozumienia mowy u dzieci i dorosłych: Nowe spojrzenie na zegar mózgowy

GWP, Sopot
2014-01-01 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Temporal order perception of auditory stimuli is selectively modified by tonal and non-tonal language environments

2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Bao, Yan; Szymaszek, Aneta; Wang, Xiaoying; Oron, Anna; Poeppel, Ernst; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Time Perception Distortion in Neuropsychiatric and Neurological Disorders

Cns & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Cognitive function in elderly can be ameliorated by training in temporal information processing

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
2012 | Journal article


Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Mózgowa organizacja funkcjonowania poznawczego

In: Obrębowski A. (Eds.), Wprowadzenie do neurologopedii, Termedia, Poznań, 55-100
2012-01-01 | Magazine article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Divergent effects of age on performance in spatial associative learning and real idiothetic memory in humans

Behavioural Brain Research
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Skolimowska, Justyna; Wesierska, Malgorzata; Lewandowska, Monika; Szymaszek, Aneta; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Temporal processing as a base for language universals: Cross-linguistic comparisons on sequencing abilities with some implications for language therapy

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
2011 | Journal article


Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Changes in fMRI BOLD response to increasing and decreasing task difficulty during auditory perception of temporal order

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Lewandowska, M.; Piatkowska-Janko, E.; Bogorodzki, P.; Wolak, T.; Szelag, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Czy zegar mózgowy zawsze tyka w jednakowym rytmie: rola różnic indywidualnych w przeżywaniu czasu.

In: Sędek G., Bedyńska S.(Eds.), Życie na czas. Perspektywy badawcze postrzegania czasu, PWN, Warszawa, 331-364.
2010-01-01 | Magazine article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Time and cognition from the aging brain perspective. Indiviual differences

In: Maruszewski T., Eysenck M.W., M. Fajkowska (Eds.), Personality from biological, cognitive and social perspectives, Eliot Werner Publications INC, Nowy Jork, 87-114.
2010-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Individual differences in the perception of temporal order: The effect of age and cognition

Cognitive Neuropsychology
2009 | Journal article


Contributors: Szymaszek, Aneta; Sereda, Magdalena; Poeppel, Ernst; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Neural Representation of Time and Timing Processes

On Thinking
2009 | Book chapter


Contributors: Szelag, Elsbieta; Dreszer, Joanna; Lewandowska, Monika; Szymaszek, Aneta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Ethics in research with human subjects.

In: Krzemiński T. (Eds.),Ethic und Medizin: Von Gestern bis in die Zukunft, Humboldt Tagung, Katowice, 75-80.
2009-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychological rehabilitation from brain-behavior perspective.

In: Pisula E., Tomaszewski P. (Eds.), New Ideas in Studying and Supporting Development of Exceptional People. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 49-63.
2009-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Neuropsychologiczne korzenie funkcji mowy w normie i patologii.

In: Gałkowski T., Jastrzębowska G. (Eds.), Logopedia. Pytania i odpowiedzi. Podręcznik akademicki T.1, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole, 147-187.
2009-01-01 | Magazine article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Auditory perception of temporal order in centenarians in comparison with young and elderly subjects

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
2008 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Towards electrophysiological correlates of auditory perception of temporal order

Neuroscience Letters
2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Lewandowska, M.; Bekisz, M.; Szymaszek, A.; Wrobel, A.; Szelag, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

Cortical representation of time and timing processes

In: Kraft E., Guylas B., Pöppel E. (Eds.), Neuronal correlates of thinking. , Springer Verlag, Berlin, 185-196.
2008-01-01 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag

Auditory perception of temporal order in humans: The effect of age, gender, listener practice and stimulus presentation mode

Neuroscience Letters
2006 | Journal article


Contributors: Szymaszek, A.; Szelag, E.; Sliwowska, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID

The effect of congenital deafness on duration judgment

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
2006 | Journal article


Contributors: Kowalska, Joanna; Szelag, Elzbieta
Source: Self-asserted source
Elzbieta Szelag via ResearcherID
Items per page:
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