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Elsa F. Vieira has a degree in Nutrition and Food Science by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science (University of Porto, Portugal); a Master Degree in Quality Control- food and water by the Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Porto, Portugal) and a PhD in Sustainable Chemistry by the University of Porto and University of Lisbon (Portugal). She has teaching experience of the subjects “Human Dietary” under the Integrated Master in Pharmacy Sciences in the Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Porto) and “Food Preparation Techniques”, under the Integrated Master in Nutrition and Food Sciences in the Biotechnology School (Portuguese Catholic University of Porto). Elsa F. Vieira is currently working as a researcher at the department GRAQ - Chemical Reactions and Analysis Group (REQUIMTE associate laboratory) in the School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP, Portugal). Her research deals with the valorization of food by-products through the development of functional foods and analysis of bioactive compounds with anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.