Personal information
Mario H. Braakman is a psychiatrist psychotherapist and ethnologist.
My thematic specialization as an ethnologist is medical anthropology and my regional specialization are the Yucatec Mayan indigenous communities in Quintana Roo, Mexico. As a psychiatrist/psychotherapist I worked with asylum-seekers and refugees and was for ten years the clinical manager of an inpatient treatment facility for refugees. At present, I'm the director of the psychiatric residency programme at the Pro Persona Mental Health Institution (4000 employees), the Netherlands (Nijmegen, Arnhem, Ede, Tiel, Wolfheze) and endowed professor of transcultural forensic psychiatry at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. I'm editor-in-chief of the World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review and President-elect of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry.
Special interests: Cultural psychiatry, the co-evolution of genes and culture, ethnopsychopharmacology, complexity-theory, psychotic PTSD, the caste war (Guerra de Castas) of Yucatan.
Employment (2)
Works (11)