Personal information

No personal information available


Education and qualifications (3)

University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health: Madison, WI, US

2020-08 to 2024-05 | Medical Student
Source: Self-asserted source
Ryan Laffin

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN, US

2016-08 to 2020-05 | Bachelor of Science (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ryan Laffin

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN, US

2016-08 to 2020-05 | Bachelor of Arts (Integrated Biology and Physiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ryan Laffin

Works (1)

Use of Iatrogenic Lipid Emulsion and Subsequent Plasmapheresis for the Treatment of Amitriptyline Overdose

Case Reports in Critical Care
2022-10-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryan C. Laffin; Ashley M. Cunningham; Sean A. Fitzgerald; Donald A. Wiebe; Jeffrey A. Wells; Janice Robin Linzell; William Nicholas Rose; Silvia Natoli
Source: check_circle