Personal information
Carme Bach is Catalan Linguistics teacher and researcher at the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She teaches Catalan Language, Catalan as a second Language, Language in social environments and Textual Linguistics in the Master in Discourse Studies and in the Master in Training of Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language. She has a degree on Catalan Philology and a Ph. D. on Linguistics (2001) Els connectors reformulatius catalans: anàlisi i proposta d’aplicació lexicogràfica. Her research focuses on General Discourse Analysis, Language Learning and Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Her publications deal with Discourse Markers, Reformulation and its importance in the process or specialized discourse construction and in extraction of a semantic information in text. She has published specialize papers in indexed journals as Sendebar (1996), Discourse Studies (2007), Revista española de lingüística (2007), Terminology (2008), Revista de Lengua y Literatura catalana, gallega y vasca (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2009) or Terminàlia (2012).