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Fisheries, Population dynamics, Recruitment, Food webs, Predator-prey interactions, Invasive species


Employment (1)

Iowa State University: Ames, IA, US

2012-12 to present | Assistant Professor (Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Weber

Education and qualifications (3)

South Dakota State University: Brookings, SD, US

2011 | Fisheries Sciences
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Weber

University of Illinois : Urbana, IL, US

2008 | Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Weber

South Dakota State University: Brookings, SD, US

2005 | BS Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Weber

Works (42)

Zooplankton and macroinvertebrate size spectra, biomass, and community composition; and harvest of bigmouth buffalo and common carp in six shallow lakes in Iowa, USA (2018-2020)

Environmental Data Initiative
2025 | Dataset
Contributors: Tyler Butts; Martin Simonson; Michael Weber; Grace Wilkinson
Source: check_circle

Correction: Effects of invasive bigheaded carp and environmental factors on larval fish growth

Biological Invasions
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan A. Tillotson; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Effects of invasive bigheaded carp and environmental factors on larval fish growth

Biological Invasions
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan A. Tillotson; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Economic evaluation of barriers to minimize reservoir sport fish escapement

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Madeline C. Lewis; John C. Tyndall; Ben Dodd; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Smallmouth Bass and Walleye predation on stocked age-0 Walleye in Lake Oahe, South Dakota

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2024-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Kyle Olivencia; Emily E. Grausgruber; Mark J. Fincel; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Hierarchical model to predict common carp and bigmouth buffalo abundance from electrofishing data

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2024-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Martin A. Simonson; Michael J. Weber; Audrey L. McCombs; Andrew R. Annear
Source: check_circle

Effects of bigheaded carp on larval Freshwater Drum diets

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan A. Tillotson; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Precision and Bias of Three Bigmouth Buffalo Aging Structures

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Marcus Prull; Martin A. Simonson; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Reservoir Fish Escapement in North America: A Historical Review and Future Directions

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Madeline C. Lewis; W. Robert Cope; Thomas P. Miles; Claire Rude; Richard E. Bruesewitz; Benjamin J. Dodd; Mark K. Flammang; Kevin S. Page; Robert Weber; Michael J. Weber et al.
Source: check_circle

Annual changes in water quality and sportfish community structure following commercial harvest of common carp and bigmouth buffalo

Lake and Reservoir Management
2023-04-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Martin A. Simonson; Michael J. Weber; Grace M. Wilkinson; Andrew R. Annear
Source: check_circle

Intra-Annual Variability of Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo Electrofishing Data in Shallow Lakes

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrew R. Annear; Martin A. Simonson; Philip M. Dixon; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Effects of non-native Salmo trutta and multiscale habitat factors on native fishes in the Driftless Area

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2023-03-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Brett B. Kelly; Michael J. Siepker; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of a Random Forest Model to Identify Invasive Carp Eggs Based on Morphometric Features

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Katherine Goode; Michael J. Weber; Aaron Matthews; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Invasive Carp Reproduction Phenology in Tributaries of the Upper Mississippi River

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: C. A. Camacho; C. J. Sullivan; M. J. Weber; C. L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Suitability of an Upper Mississippi River Tributary for Invasive Carp Reproduction

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Carlos A. Camacho; Christopher J. Sullivan; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Stepping up: a U.S. perspective on the ten steps to responsible inland fisheries

2022 | Other
Contributors: C. Paola Ferreri; Michael J. Fogarty; Kyle J. Hartman; Michael Kinnison; Melissa R. Wuellner; Dana Infante; Simon A. Levin; Richard T. Melstrom; Raymond Newman; Malin L. Pinsky et al.
Source: check_circle

Effects of Length and Bag Limits on Largemouth Bass Tournament Capture and Mortality

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Brandon Maahs; Andrea Sylvia; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Factors related to fish mercury concentrations in Iowa lakes

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Mills; Michael J. Weber; Darcy Cashatt; Clay L. Pierce; Philip Dixon
Source: check_circle

Assessing Size-Dependent Population-Level Effects of Largemouth Bass Tournament Mortality

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2022-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrea Sylvia; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Modeled Walleye Regulation Outcomes in a Midwestern Reservoir with Varying Forage and Walleye Density

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Rebecca M. Krogman; Benjamin J. Dodd; Andy Otting; Michael J. Weber; Robert E. Weber
Source: check_circle

Hyperstability in Electrofishing Catch Rates of Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Martin A. Simonson; Michael J. Weber; Audrey McCombs
Source: check_circle

Zooplankton community dynamics along the bigheaded carp invasion front in the Upper Mississippi River

2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan A. Tillotson; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Importance of Coarse Woody Habitat Complexity to Yellow Perch Egg Skein Deposition and Survival

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen J. Grausgruber; Michael J. Weber; Joseph E. Morris
Source: check_circle

Influence of Ice Angler Culling Practices on Bluegill Physiological Stress Responses and Mortality

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen J. Grausgruber; Emily E. Grausgruber; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Shift happens: Evaluating the ability of autumn stocked walleye Sander vitreus to shift to natural prey

Fisheries Management and Ecology
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily E. Grausgruber; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Behavior, escapement, and mortality of adult Muskellunge in Midwestern reservoirs

Fisheries Research
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert E. Weber; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Spatial variation in invasive silver carp population ecology throughout the upper Mississippi River basin*

Ecology of Freshwater Fish
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher J. Sullivan; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce; David H. Wahl; Quinton E. Phelps; Robert E. Colombo
Source: check_circle

Factors Associated with Detection and Distribution of Native Brook Trout and Introduced Brown Trout in the Driftless Area of Iowa

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Brett Kelly; Michael J. Siepker; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Using Bioenergetics to Estimate Consumption of Stocked Age-0 Walleye by a Suite of Piscivores

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2021-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily Elise Grausgruber; Michael John Weber
Source: check_circle

Use of occupancy modelling to identify sample sizes and waterbodies with fish exceeding mercury consumption advisory thresholds

2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael J. Weber; Darcy Cashatt
Source: check_circle

Restoration of eutrophic lakes in Iowa, USA

2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael J. Weber; Grace M. Wilkinson; Michelle B. Balmer; Matthew C. Bevil
Source: check_circle

Muskellunge Survival, Interbasin Movement, and Emigration in a Simple and a Complex Interconnected Glacial Lake

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonathan R. Meerbeek; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Yearling Muskellunge Poststocking Behavior and Survival in Two Central Iowa Reservoirs with Contrasting Habitat Availability

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert E. Weber; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Behaviour and survival of wild versus stocked fingerling walleye

Fisheries Management and Ecology
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert E. Weber, III; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Using Radiotelemetry to Evaluate Poststocking Survival and Behavior of Large Fingerling Walleye in Three Iowa, USA, Lakes

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2020-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael J. Weber; Robert E. Weber; Emily E. Ball; Jonathan R. Meerbeek
Source: check_circle

Influence of Largemouth Bass Behaviors, Angler Behaviors, and Environmental Conditions on Fishing Tournament Capture Success

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrea Sylvia; Brandon Maahs; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

Morphological Identification of Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp Eggs Using Random Forests Machine Learning Classification

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Carlos A. Camacho; Christopher J. Sullivan; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Development of a quantitative PCR method for screening ichthyoplankton samples for bigheaded carps

Biological Invasions
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrea K. Fritts; Brent C. Knights; James H. Larson; Jon J. Amberg; Christopher M. Merkes; Tariq Tajjioui; Steven E. Butler; Matthew J. Diana; David H. Wahl; Michael J. Weber et al.
Source: check_circle

Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers

2019-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Mills; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce; Darcy Cashatt
Source: check_circle

Biometric relationships between age-0 walleye Sander vitreus total length and external morphometric features

Journal of Applied Ichthyology
2018-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily E. Ball; Michael J. Weber
Source: check_circle

The Development of a GIS Methodology to Identify Oxbows and Former Stream Meanders from LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models

Remote Sensing
2018-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Courtney L. Zambory; Harvest Ellis; Clay Pierce; Kevin Roe; Michael Weber; Keith Schilling; Nathan C. Young
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A case study and a meta-analysis of seasonal variation in fish mercury concentrations

2018-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Mills; Darcy Cashatt; Michael J. Weber; Clay L. Pierce
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Hydrobiologia. (1)