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Works (50 of 75)

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Discussion about suitable applications for biodegradable plastics regarding their sources, uses and end of life

Waste Management
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ika Paul-Pont; Jean-François Ghiglione; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Alexandra ter Halle; Arnaud Huvet; Stéphane Bruzaud; Fabienne Lagarde; François Galgani; Guillaume Duflos; Matthieu George et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Bridging steady-state and stick-slip fracture propagation in glassy polymers

Soft Matter
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Yannick Nziakou; Matthieu George; Guillaume Fischer; Bruno Bresson; Mathilde Tiennot; Stephane Roux; Jean Louis Halary; Matteo Ciccotti
Source: check_circle
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Les dangers de l'invasion plastique

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pascale Fabre; Fabienne Lagarde; Stephane Bruzaud; Guillaume Duflos; François Galgani; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Matthieu George; Jean-François Ghiglione; Arnaud Huvet; Ika Paul-Pont et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Relative Influence of Plastic Debris Size and Shape, Chemical Composition and Phytoplankton-Bacteria Interactions in Driving Seawater Plastisphere Abundance, Diversity and Activity

Frontiers in Microbiology
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Jingguang Cheng; Justine Jacquin; Pascal Conan; Mireille Pujo-Pay; Valérie Barbe; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre; Stephane Bruzaud; Alexandra ter Halle; Anne-Leila Meistertzheim et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Floating plastics in oceans: A matter of size

Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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In Situ AFM Investigations and Fracture Mechanics Modeling of Slow Fracture Propagation in Oxide and Polymer Glasses

Handbook of Materials Modeling
2020 | Book chapter
Contributors: Matteo Ciccotti; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George
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Stress transmission in cemented bidisperse granular materials

Physical Review E
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: K. Heinze; Xavier Frank; Valerie V. Lullien-Pellerin; Matthieu George; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Microstructure Characterization of Oceanic Polyethylene Debris

Environmental Science and Technology
2020-04-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Rowenczyk; Alexandre Dazzi; Ariane Deniset-Besseau; Victoria Beltran; Dominique Goudounèche; Pascal Wong-Wah-Chung; Olivier Boyron; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre; Clément Roux et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Pollution des océans par les plastiques et les microplastiques

Techniques de l'Ingenieur
2020-01-10 | Journal article
Contributors: François Galgani; Stéphane Bruzaud; Guillaume Duflos; Pascale Fabre; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Jeff Ghiglione; Régis Grimaud; Matthieu George; Arnaud Huvet; Fabienne Lagarde et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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An experimental and theoretical study of the erosion of semi-crystalline polymers and the subsequent generation of microparticles

Soft Matter
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Frédéric Nallet; Pascale Fabre
Source: check_circle
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Fate of polymers in the environment : mechanisms and kinetics of degradation

2019-12-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Pascale Fabre; Thibaut Gaillard; Frédéric Nallet; Mélanie Salomez; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Breaking the grains : Fragmentation of a cemented granular bio-material

2019-09-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Xavier Frank; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin; Matthieu George; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

A comparative study of degradation mechanisms of PBSA and PHBV under laboratoryscale composting conditions

Polymer Degradation and Stability
2019-06-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Salomez Mélanie; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre; Touchaleaume François; Cesar Guy; Lajarrige Anaïs; Emmanuelle Gastaldi
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Dégradation des plastiques par les bactéries marines.

2019-06-24 | Conference paper
Contributors: J. Cheng; J. Jacquin; C. Pandin; C. Odobel; P. Catala; D. Pecqueur; C. Salmeron; Mireille Pujo-Pay; P. Conan; B. Eyheraguibel et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

New Insights For The Fragmentation Of Plastics Into Microplastics In The Ocean

2019-06-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matthieu George; Thibaut Gaillard; Frédéric Nallet; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Biodegradation performance of PHBV and PBSA: What makes the difference

2019-06-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Cesar Guy; Pascale Fabre; Matthieu George; Anais Lajarrige
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

A geometric model for the erosion and fragmentation of polymers in the ocean

2019-06-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: Pascale Fabre; Thibaut Gaillard; Frédéric Nallet; Mélanie Salomez; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Répartition de la vitrosité inter-grains et intra-grain au sein d’un lot de blé par une méthode originale utilisant la lumière transmise au travers d’une coupe de grain

2019-05-21 | Other
Contributors: Valérie Lullien-Pellerin; Emna Chichti; Myriam Carrère; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Francois-Xavier F.-X. Oury
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Colonization of non-biodegradable and biodegradable plastics by marine microorganisms

Frontiers in Microbiology
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Claire Dussud; Cindy Hudec; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre; Perry Higgs; Stéphane Bruzaud; Anne-Marie Delort; Boris Eyheraguibel; Anne-Leïla Meistertzheim; Justine Jacquin et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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On the effect of local sample slope during modulus measurements by contact-resonance atomic force microscopy

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: K. Heinze; Olivier Arnould; Jean-Yves Delenne; V. Lullien-Pellerin; M. Ramonda; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Biodegradation of polymers in aquatic environment

2018-11-27 | Other
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Mélanie Salomez; Claire Dussud; Jean François Ghiglione; Laetitia Hudecek; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

A wheat grain quantitative evaluation of vitreousness by light transmission analysis

Journal of Cereal Science
2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Myriam Carrère; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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In Situ AFM Investigations and Fracture Mechanics Modeling of Slow Fracture Propagation in Oxide and Polymer Glasses.

2018-09-19 | Book chapter
Contributors: Matteo Ciccotti; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Roughness of oxide glass sub-critical fracture surfaces.

2018-07-24 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matthieu George; Gaël Pallares; Frederic Lechenault; Matteo Ciccotti
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Evidence of niche partitioning among bacteria living on plastics, organic particles and surrounding seawaters

Environmental Pollution
2018-05 | Journal article
Contributors: C. Dussud; A. L. Meistertzheim; P. Conan; Mireille Pujo-Pay; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre; J. Coudane; P. Higgs; A. Elineau; M. L. Pedrotti et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Roughness of oxide glass subcritical fracture surfaces

Journal of the American Ceramic Society
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Gael Pallares; Frederic Lechenault; Matthieu George; Elisabeth Bouchaud; Cédric Ottina; Cindy L. Rountree; Matteo Ciccotti
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Dégradation marine et enzymatique d’un polymère biodégradable: l’acide polylactique

2018-01-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Numerical modeling of the tensile strength of a biological granular aggregate: Effect of the particle size distribution

EPJ Web of Conferences
2017 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2100-014X
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Xavier Frank; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin; Matthieu George; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Quantification of the Effect of Surface Slope on Mechanical Measurements by Contact-Resonance AFM

2017 | Conference paper
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Olivier Arnould; Jean-Yves Delenne; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin; Michel Ramonda; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

In situ AFM investigation of slow crack propagation mechanisms in a glassy polymer

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
2017-11-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthieu George; Y. Nziakou; S. Goerke; A.-C. Genix; Bruno Bresson; S. Roux; H. Delacroix; J.-L. Halary; M. Ciccotti
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Biodegradation of polymers

2017-11-13 | Other
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Mélanie Salomez; Claire Dussud; Jean François Ghiglione; Laetitia Hucedek; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Les plastiques se biodégradent-ils en mer ?

2017-11-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Jean François Ghiglione; Claire Dussud; Mélanie Salomez; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Au cœur des granules d’amidon : explorer leurs propriétés mécaniques selon leur origine botanique

2017-10-17 | Other
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Fate of polymers in the ocean : biodegradation versus fragmentation

2017-05-29 | Conference paper
Contributors: Pascale Fabre; Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Jean François Ghiglione; Claire Dussud
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Observation and manipulation of biological objects on plastic films immersed in sea water

2017-03-20 | Other
Contributors: Thibaut Gaillard; Matthieu George; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; Mélanie Salomez; Claire Dussud; Jean François Ghiglione; Laetitia Hudecek; Pascale Fabre
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Bottom-up model for understanding the effects of wheat endosperm microstructure on its mechanical strength

International Journal of Food Engineering
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin; Matthieu George; Farhang Radjai; Rafik Affes; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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The Wheat Grain as a cemented granular material: Nanoscale investigation of its mechanical properties

2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Jean-Yves Delenne; Matthieu George; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Mechanical behavior of wheat endosperm. Local measurements by AFM and numerical modeling

2016-10-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Jean-Yves Delenne; V. Lullien-Pellerin; Matthieu George
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Changes in the starch-protein interface depending on common wheat grain hardness revealed using atomic force microscopy

Plant Science
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Multiscale investigation of stress-corrosion crack propagation mechanisms in oxide glasses

Corrosion Reviews
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Gaël Pallares; Matthieu George; Laurent Ponson; S. Chapuliot; Stéphane Roux; Matteo Ciccotti
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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The Wheat Grain: From Biopolymer Mechanics to the Macroscale

2015-07-02 | Other
Contributors: Karsta Heinze; Emna Chichti; Jean-Yves Delenne; Matthieu George; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

How does the starch content affect common wheat fractionation? A numerical approach

2015-07-01 | Other
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Rafik Affes; M. George; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Micromechanisms of fracture propagation in glassy polymers

2015-04-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matteo Ciccotti; Matthieu George; Y. Nziakou; Guillaume Fischer; Anne-Caroline Genix; Bruno Bresson; Stéphane Roux
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Numerical modeling of wheat fractionation : Role of starch volume fraction

2014-07-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Rafik Affès; Matthieu George; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Numerical modeling of wheat fractionation role of starch volume fraction

2014-07-09 | Other
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Rafik Affes; Matthieu George; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin; Farhang Radjai; Jean-Yves Delenne
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Multi-scale approach for understanding the link between Triticum aestivum grain texture and milling behaviour: Focus on the endosperm microstructure and local nano-mechanical properties

2014-04-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Farhang Radjai; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Adhesion properties of wheat-based particles

Journal of Cereal Science
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Agnès Duri-Bechemilh; Matthieu George; Saad Moussa; Emmanuelle Gastaldi; M. Ramonda; Bernard Cuq
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Experiments and modelling of the mechanical behavour of wheat grains related to endosperm texture

2013 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Jean-Yves Delenne; Matthieu George; Farhang Radjai; Francois-Xavier Oury; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Méthode de rayure AFM pour la mesure de propriétés mécaniques à petite échelle

2013 | Conference paper
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Farhang Radjai; Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL

Nano-mechanical properties of starch and gluten biopolymers from atomic force microscopy

European Polymer Journal
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Emna Chichti; Matthieu George; Jean-Yves Delenne; Farhang Radjai; Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthieu George via HAL
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Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Marine pollution bulletin. (1)