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halophilic archaea


崔恒林,江苏省东台人,理学博士,江苏大学食品与生物工程学院教授,硕士生导师。2007年7月获中国科学院微生物研究所微生物学专业博士学位,2001年6月和1994年7月,分别获南京师范大学微生物学专业硕士学位和生物学专业学士学位。2001年6月起任职于江苏大学;2010年3月-2010年8月,厦门大学,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,访问学者;2011年8月-2012年8月,美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawai'i at Mānoa,UHM),工学院,博士后;2013年2月-2014年2月,香港科技大学(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,HKUST),理学院,访问学者。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技基础条件平台建设项目课题、国际海域资源调查与开发“十二五”课题、国家重点实验室开放课题、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象资助项目、江苏省“六大人才高峰”第十一批高层次人才培养资助项目、江苏省高校自然科学基金、新疆生产建设兵团重点实验室开放课题等项目;获江苏省科技进步二等奖和镇江市科技进步三等奖各1项;获批2012年度江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象、江苏省“六大人才高峰”第十一批高层次人才;以第一作者或通讯作者在微生物资源与分类研究领域的国际SCI源期刊上发表研究论文40篇,参编中国科学院研究生教材1部;主要从事微生物资源、分类与应用研究。


Education and qualifications (1)

江苏大学: 镇江市, 江苏省镇江市, CN

2001-06-28 to present | 博士研究生 (食品与生物工程学院)
Source: Self-asserted source

Works (40)

Halobellus marinus sp. nov., Halobellus ordinarius sp. nov., Halobaculum rarum sp. nov., and Halorarum halobium sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from marine solar salt and a saline lake

2025-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Ling-Rui Zhu; Chidiebele Nwankwo; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Genome-Based Classification of ‘Haloarcula aidinensis’ and Description of Three Novel Halophilic Archaea Isolated from an Inland Saline Lake, Coastal Saline Soil, and a Marine Solar Saltern

Current Microbiology
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Xue Ma; Yao Hu; Jing Hou; Yu-Guang Zhou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Genome‑based classification of the family Natrialbaceae and description of four novel halophilic archaea from three saline lakes and a saline-alkaline land

2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Xin-Yue Dong; Ya-Ling Mao; Qing-Ke Zhang; Ling-Rui Zhu; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Dominance and diversity of archaea in food-grade salts: insights for histamine degradation in salt-fermented foods

International Journal of Food Science and Technology
2024-11-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Jing Hou; Ya-Ling Mao; Na Li; Xiao-Yan Yang; Chidiebele Nwankwo; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Genome-based classification of the family Haloferacaceae and description of five novel species of Halobaculum

2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Shun Tan; Ling-Rui Zhu; Qing-Ke Zhang; Xin-Yue Dong; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halobacterium yunchengense sp. nov., Natronomonas amylolytica sp. nov., Halorientalis halophila sp. nov., Halobellus salinisoli sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from a saline lake and inland saline soil

2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Ling Cui; Yao Hu; Xin-Xin Li; Xue Ma; Mu Cheng; Shun Tan; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halomarina litorea sp. nov., Halomarina pelagica sp. nov., Halomarina halobia sp. nov., and Halomarina ordinaria sp. nov., Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Coastal and Inland Saline Soil

Current Microbiology
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Mu Cheng; Xin-Xin Li; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Genome-based taxonomy of genera Haloarcula and Halomicroarcula, and description of six novel species of Haloarcula

2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Xue Ma; Yao Hu; Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Novel Archaeal Histamine Oxidase from Natronobeatus ordinarius: Insights into Histamine Degradation for Enhancing Food Safety

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
2024-03-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Jing Hou; Xin-Xin Li; Yu Sun; Yang Li; Xiao-Yan Yang; Ya-Ping Sun; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halomicrococcus gelatinilyticus sp. nov. and Halosimplex aquaticum sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from saline soil and an inland solar saltern

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2024-01-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Yao Hu; Xue Ma; Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halospeciosus flavus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Haladaptatus caseinilyticus sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from saline soil of an inland solar saltern and offshore sediment

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2024-01-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Yao Hu; Xue Ma; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Salinirarus marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., Haloplanus salilacus sp. nov., Haloplanus pelagicus sp. nov., Haloplanus halophilus sp. nov., and Haloplanus halobius sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from commercial coarse salts with potential as starter cultures for salt-fermented foods

FEMS Microbiology Letters
2024-01-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Qing-Ke Zhang; Ling-Rui Zhu; Xin-Yue Dong; Xiao-Yan Yang; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Salinigranum marinum sp. nov. and Halohasta salina sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from sediment of a marine saltern and inland saline soil

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2023-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Mu Cheng; Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Xue Ma; Yao Hu; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Extracellular proteases from halophiles: diversity and application challenges

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chidiebele Nwankwo; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Natronosalvus halobius gen. nov., sp. nov., Natronosalvus caseinilyticus sp. nov., Natronosalvus vescus sp. nov., Natronosalvus rutilus sp. nov. and Natronosalvus amylolyticus sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from salt lakes and soda lakes

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2023-09-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Xin-Xin Li; Yao Hu; Xue Ma; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Salinilacihabitans rarus gen. nov., sp. nov., Natrononativus amylolyticus gen. nov., sp. nov., Natronobeatus ordinarius gen. nov., sp. nov., and Halovivax gelatinilyticus sp. nov., halophilic archaea, isolated from a salt lake and soda lakes

2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Yao Hu; Xue Ma; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Genome-based classification of the class Halobacteria and description of Haladaptataceae fam. nov. and Halorubellaceae fam. nov

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2023-07-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Can Cui; Dong Han; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halobacterium wangiae sp. nov. and Halobacterium zhouii sp. nov., two extremely halophilic archaea isolated from sediment of a salt lake and saline soil of an inland saltern

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2023-05-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Bei-Bei Wang; Chen-Xi Bao; Ya-Ping Sun; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halomicroarcula laminariae sp. nov. and Halomicroarcula marina sp. nov., extremely halophilic archaea isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria and coastal saline-alkali lands

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2023-05-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Xue Ma; Yao Hu; Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halocatena marina sp. nov., a novel filamentous halophilic archaeon isolated from marine tidal flat and emended description of the genus Halocatena

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhang-Ping Wu; Xi-Wen Zheng; Ya-Ping Sun; Bei-Bei Wang; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Natrinema caseinilyticum sp. nov., Natrinema gelatinilyticum sp. nov., Natrinema marinum sp. nov., Natrinema zhouii sp. nov., extremely halophilic archaea isolated from marine environments and a salt mine

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Yao Hu; Xue Ma; Xin-Xin Li; Shun Tan; Mu Cheng; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halorientalis salina sp. nov., Halorientalis marina sp. nov., Halorientalis litorea sp. nov.: three extremely halophilic archaea isolated from a salt lake and coarse sea salt

2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Bei-Bei Wang; Ya-Ping Sun; Zhang-Ping Wu; Xi-Wen Zheng; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halorussus vallis sp. nov., Halorussus aquaticus sp. nov., Halorussus gelatinilyticus sp. nov., Halorussus limi sp. nov., Halorussus salilacus sp. nov., Halorussus salinisoli sp. nov.: six extremely halophilic archaea isolated from solar saltern, salt lake and saline soil

2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Xi-Wen Zheng; Zhang-Ping Wu; Ya-Ping Sun; Bei-Bei Wang; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halocatena salina sp. nov., a filamentous halophilic archaeon isolated from Aiding Salt Lake

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhang-Ping Wu; Xi-Wen Zheng; Ya-Ping Sun; Bei-Bei Wang; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Description of Halosolutus amylolyticus gen. nov., sp. nov., Halosolutus halophilus sp. nov. and Halosolutus gelatinilyticus sp. nov., and genome-based taxonomy of genera Natribaculum and Halovarius

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-10-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Ya-Ping Sun; Bei-Bei Wang; Xi-Wen Zheng; Zhang-Ping Wu; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Haladaptatus halobius sp. nov. and Haladaptatus salinisoli sp. nov., two extremely halophilic archaea isolated from Gobi saline soil

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-10-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu-Jie Xin; Chen-Xi Bao; Shun Tan; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Lactiplantibacillus plantarum fermented barley extracts ameliorate high‐fat‐diet‐induced muscle dysfunction via mitophagy

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Yaoguang Gu; Juan Bai; Jiayan Zhang; Yansheng Zhao; Ruirong Pan; Ying Dong; Henglin Cui; Ranhui Meng; Xiang Xiao
Source: check_circle

Natrinema halophilum sp. nov., Natrinema salinisoli sp. nov., Natrinema amylolyticum sp. nov. and Haloterrigena alkaliphila sp. nov., four extremely halophilic archaea isolated from salt mine, saline soil and salt lake

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-05-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Chen-Xi Bao; Si-Ya Li; Yu-Jie Xin; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

A novel halolysin without C-terminal extension from an extremely halophilic archaeon

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jing Hou; Si-Ya Li; Yang-Jie Zhao; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Haloprofundus salilacus sp. nov., Haloprofundus halobius sp. nov. and Haloprofundus salinisoli sp. nov.: three extremely halophilic archaea isolated from salt lake and saline soil

2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Si-Ya Li; Yu-Jie Xin; Chen-Xi Bao; Jing Hou; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halorussus halobius sp. nov., Halorussus marinus sp. nov. and Halorussus pelagicus sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-04-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Dong Han; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halobaculum rubrum sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a salt lake

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2022-02-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Muhtar Dilmurat; Xin-Yu Hu; Tohty Dilbar; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halorussus halobius sp. nov., Halorussus marinus sp. nov. and Halorussus pelagicus sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria

2021-08-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Dong Han; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halobaculum halophilum sp. nov. and Halobaculum salinum sp. nov., isolated from salt lake and saline soil

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2021-07-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Heng-Lin Cui; Xiao-Wei Shi; Xue-Meng Yin; Xiao-Yan Yang; Jing Hou; Lin Zhu
Source: check_circle

Halosimplex halophilum sp. nov. and Halosimplex salinum sp. nov., isolated from saline soil and a salt mine

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2021-04-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiao-Yan Yang; Xue-Meng Yin; Jing Hou; Lin Zhu; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Natronomonas halophila sp. nov. and Natronomonas salina sp. nov., two novel halophilic archaea

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2020-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Xue-Meng Yin; Xiao-Yan Yang; Jing Hou; Lin Zhu; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Halostella pelagica sp. nov. and Halostella litorea sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2020-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Dong Han; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Salinigranum halophilum sp. nov., isolated from marine solar salterns

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
2020-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang-Jie Zhao; Cong-Qi Tao; Chun-Lin Zeng; Lin Zhu; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Haloprofundus halophilus sp. nov., isolated from the saline soil of Tarim Basin

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Qin Xu; Heng-Lin Cui; Fanwei Meng
Source: check_circle

Halomarina rubra sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern

Archives of Microbiology
2017-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Yao Zhou; Yang Li; Zhen-Zhen Lü; Heng-Lin Cui
Source: check_circle

Peer review (51 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. (3)
Review activity for Archives of microbiology. (6)
Review activity for Bioresources and bioprocessing. (1)
Review activity for Current microbiology. (6)
Review activity for Food microbiology. (4)
Review activity for Heliyon. (2)
Review activity for International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology. (23)
Review activity for iScience. (2)
Review activity for Journal of environmental management. (2)
Review activity for Systematic and applied microbiology. (2)