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Research profile
(i) Health promotion, prevention and behavioural medicine primarily in diabetes, CVD risk and other non-communicable diseases.
(ii) Method development within complex interventions
(iii) Danish translation of four questionnaires (PACIC, PAM, HLQTM and HLS-EU).
(iv) Health literacy – measurements and interventions
(v) Highly experienced with clinical work and research in national and international interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial collaborations and settings
Research management
2016 Diabetes Health Promotion (Research Manager)
2013- Complex interventions, AU, DK (PI)
2011- Health literacy programme AU, DK (PI)
2009- Development and evaluation of preventive health check-ups in general practice and municipality (co-PI)
2005-2009 “Ready to Act”-intervention for people with dysglycaemia (PI)
2003-2005 Skills laboratories – a third learning arena (PI)