Personal information


Employment (3)

University of Bradford Department of Psychology: Bradford, Yorkshire, GB

2007-08-01 to present | Associate Professor (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

University of Leeds: Leeds, GB

2006-11-01 to 2007-07-31 | Research Assistant (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

University of Leeds School of Psychology: Leeds, Leeds, GB

2003-09-01 to 2007-02-01 | Demonstrator / PhD student (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Leeds: Leeds, GB

2003-09-01 to 2007-02-02 | PhD (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

Professional activities (1)

British Psychological Society: Bradford, GB

2002-06-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

Funding (2)

Dying to Talk: Using archaeology and psychology to facilitate conversations about death with young people

2020 to 2023 | Grant
Arts and Humanities Research Council (Bradford, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

The efficacy of using pharmacogenomics with the elderly

2019-09 to 2023-06 | Grant
Medical Research Council (Bradford, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant

Works (36)

Development and validation of the Psychological Food Involvement Scale (PFIS)

Food Quality and Preference
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 09503293
Contributors: Castellini, G.; Bryant, E.J.; Stewart-Knox, B.J.; Graffigna, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Dietary Assessment Tools and Metabolic Syndrome: Is It Time to Change the Focus?

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Chauhan, Helen; Belski, Regina; Bryant, Eleanor; Cooke, Matthew
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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The feasibility of patient reported outcome measures for the care of penile cancer

International Journal of Urological Nursing
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Branney, Peter; Walters, Elizabeth; Bryant, Eleanor; Hollhead, Cyan; Njoku, Kelechi; Vyas, Lona; Modica, Ciara; Kayes, Olly; Eardley, Ian; Henry, Ann
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Translation and validation of the Child Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (CTFEQr17) in French-speaking Canadian children and adolescents

Public Health Nutrition
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Frappier, Isabelle; Jacob, Raphaelle; Panahi, Shirin; Larose, David; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Chaput, Jean-Philippe; Thivel, David; Drapeau, Vicky
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We must start using pharmacogenomic information tooptimise medicines for older people

Pharmaceutical Journal
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 2047637X 00316873
Contributors: David, V.; McInerney, C.; Fylan, B.; Bryant, E.; Sagoo, G.; Cheong, V.-L.; Rattray, M.; Smith, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant via Scopus - Elsevier

Mothers' and fathers' views on the importance of play for their children's development: Gender differences, academic activities, and the parental role

British Journal of Educational Psychology
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Gillian M. Waters; Georgina R. Tidswell; Eleanor J. Bryant
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An Analysis of Pharmacogenomic-Guided Pathways and Their Effect on Medication Changes and Hospital Admissions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Frontiers in Genetics
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: David, Victoria; Fylan, Beth; Bryant, Eleanor; Smith, Heather; Sagoo, Gurdeep S.; Rattray, Marcus
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Dying to talk? Co-producing resources with young people to get them talking about bereavement, death and dying

Voluntary Sector Review
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Booth, Jane; Croucher, Karina; Bryant, Eleanor
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Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Child Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire for primary and secondary school students

Public Health Nutrition
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Demir, Dilek; Bektas, Murat; Bektas, Ilknur; Demir, Senay; Bryant, Eleanor J.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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The effects of bariatric surgery on psychological aspects of eating behaviour and food intake in humans

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, E. J.; Malik, M. S.; Whitford-Bartle, T.; Waters, G. M.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Burnout, eating behaviour traits and dietary patterns

British Food Journal
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Chui, Helena; Bryant, Eleanor; Sarabia, Carmen; Maskeen, Shames; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
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Effects of a 3-month vigorous physical activity intervention on eating behaviors and body composition in overweight and obese boys and girls

Journal of Sport and Health Science
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Martin-Garcia, Maria; Alegre, Luis M.; Garcia-Cuartero, Beatriz; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Gutin, Bernard; Ara, Ignacio
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Factors determining the integration of nutritional genomics into clinical practice by Registered Dietitians (vol 59, pg 139, 2017)

Trends in Food Science & Technology
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Abrahams, M.; Bryant, E.; Frewer, L.; Stewart-Knox, B.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Obesity and Eating Disturbance: the Role of TFEQ Restraint and Disinhibition

Current Obesity Reports
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, Eleanor J.; Rehman, Javairia; Pepper, Lisa B.; Walters, Elizabeth R.
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Personalised Nutrition Technologies and Innovations: A Cross-National Survey of Registered Dietitians

Public Health Genomics
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Abrahams, Mariette; Frewer, Lynn J.; Bryant, Eleanor; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Personalized Nutrition: Making It Happen

Trends in Personalized Nutrition
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Gibney, Eileen R.; Abrahams, Mariette; Rankin, Audrey; Bryant, Eleanor; Oliveira, Bruno M. P. M.; Poinhos, Rui
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Toward a Romanian version of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R21 for children and adolescents (CTFEQ-R21): Preliminary psychometric analysis and relation with body composition

Developmental period medicine
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1428345X
Contributors: Steff, M.; Verney, J.; Marinau, M.; Perte, S.; Pereira, B.; Bryant, E.; Drapeau, V.; Chaput, J.-P.; Courteix, D.; Thivel, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant via Scopus - Elsevier

Validation of a child version of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire in a Canadian sample: a psychometric tool for the evaluation of eating behaviour

Public Health Nutrition
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Yabsley, Jaime-Lee; Gunnell, Katie E.; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Drapeau, Vicky; Thivel, David; Adamo, Kristi B.; Chaput, Jean-Philippe
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Development and validation of the Child Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (CTFEQr17)

Public Health Nutrition
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, Eleanor J.; Thivel, David; Chaput, Jean-Philippe; Drapeau, Vicky; Blundell, John E.; King, Neil A.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Perceptions and experiences of early-adopting registered dietitians in integrating nutrigenomics into practice

British Food Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Abrahams, Mariette; Frewer, Lynn J.; Bryant, Eleanor; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Factors determining the integration of nutritional genomics into clinical practice by registered dietitians

Trends in Food Science & Technology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Abrahams, Mariette; Frewer, Lynn J.; Bryant, Eleanor; Stewart-Knox, Barbara
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The Muslim Headscarf and Face Perception: "They All Look the Same, Don't They?''

Plos One
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Toseeb, Umar; Bryant, Eleanor J.; Keeble, David R. T.
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Impact of exercise training on habitual activity and food intake in the obese

Exercise Therapy in Adult Individuals with Obesity
2013 | Book chapter


Contributors: Gibbons, C.; Caudwell, P.; Finlayson, G.; Hopkins, M.; Bryant, E.; Horner, K.; Blundell, J.; King, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant via Scopus - Elsevier

Relationships among tonic and episodic aspects of motivation to eat, gut peptides, and weight before and after bariatric surgery

Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, Eleanor J.; King, Neil A.; Falken, Ylva; Hellstrom, Per M.; Hoist, Jens Juul; Blundell, John E.; Naslund, Erik
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The Interaction Between Exercise, Appetite, and Food Intake: Implications for Weight Control

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: King, Neil Anthony; Horner, Katy; Hills, Andrew Peter; Byrne, Nuala Mary; Wood, Rachel Elise; Bryant, Eleanor; Caudwell, Phillipa; Finlayson, Graham; Gibbons, Catherine; Hopkins, Mark et al.
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Exercise, appetite and weight management: understanding the compensatory responses in eating behaviour and how they contribute to variability in exercise-induced weight loss

British Journal of Sports Medicine
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: King, N. A.; Horner, K.; Hills, A. P.; Byrne, N. M.; Wood, R. E.; Bryant, E.; Caudwell, P.; Finlayson, G.; Gibbons, C.; Hopkins, M. et al.
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Psycho-markers of weight loss. The roles of TFEQ Disinhibition and Restraint in exercise-induced weight management

2012 | Journal article
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The Significance of Hair for Face Recognition

Plos One
2012 | Journal article
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Disinhibition, Appetite, and Weight Regulation in Adults

Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, Eleanor J.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Characterizing the Homeostatic and Hedonic Markers of the Susceptible Phenotype

Obesity Prevention: the Role of Brain and Society on Individual Behavior
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Blundell, John; Bryant, Eleanor; Lawton, Clare; Halford, Jason; Naslund, Erik; Finlayson, Graham; King, Neil
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
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Does the Muslim headscarf impair face recognition?

2010 | Journal article
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Interaction between disinhibition and restraint: Implications for body weight and eating disturbance

Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, E. J.; Kiezebrink, K.; King, N. A.; Blundell, J. E.
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Acute compensatory eating following exercise is associated with implicit hedonic wanting for food

Physiology & Behavior
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Finlayson, G.; Bryant, E.; Blundell, J. E.; King, N. A.
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Disinhibition: its effects on appetite and weight regulation

Obesity Reviews
2008 | Journal article
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Psycho-markers of weight loss; the influence of TFEQ Disinhibition and Restraint on the role of exercise in effective weight management

International Journal of Obesity
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryant, E.; Caudwell, P.; King, N. A.; Hopkins, M.; Stubbs, R. J.; Naslund, E.; Blundell, J. E.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Interactions among physical activity, food choice, and appetite control: Health messages in physical activity and diet

Childhood Obesity: Contemporary Issues
2005 | Book chapter


Contributors: Blundell, J.E.; King, N.A.; Bryant, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eleanor Bryant via Scopus - Elsevier