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Works (3)

“A lot of people there were undocumented, or at least looked like me”: illegality, visibility and vulnerability among immigrant young adults in Florida

Journal of Cultural Geography
2023-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Heide Castañeda; Melanie Escue; Elizabeth Aranda
Source: check_circle

Subjective Well-Being and Mental Health of Puerto Rican Post-Disaster Migrants

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Escue; Elizabeth Aranda; Alessandra Rosa
Source: check_circle

The role of workplace offending in the relationship between work and crime: Testing the traditional, displacement, emboldenment and continuity hypotheses

Social Science Research
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Chae M. Jaynes; Melanie Escue; Mateus Rennó Santos
Source: check_circle