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Benjamin Warr is a sustainability analyst and strategist. He has researched ecological economics and sustainable business since 2001 at the Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources and subsequently the Social Innovation Centre at INSEAD Business School, Paris, France. He is Executive in Residence at INSEAD Business School and Visiting Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Sciences.
His research and work focus on the biophysical dimensions of economic activity – ecological economics – to inform the development of sustainable business, society and environment – sustainable value innovation. He has worked in Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe as a consultant and on grant funded research projects providing expertise to companies, research institutions and governments on sustainable development strategies, environmental and social impact assessment, natural resource valuation and management practices and eco-positive business models.
Benjamin has used the insights from this research to provide strategic advice on the linkages between natural resources, growth, productivity and the environment. He has lectured on these topics to business leaders, industry associations, research institutions and universities worldwide. He is author of publications in Energy, Ecological Economics and Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, book chapters, case studies and co-author of "The Economic Growth Engine: How energy and work drive material prosperity", with Professor Robert Ayres.
Dr Warr holds a First Class Honours Degree in Environmental Soil Science, Mastère Spécialisée en Geostatistique, Ecoles de Mines de Paris and a PhD in the Geostatistical Analysis of Proximal and Remotely Sensed Data for Soils and the Environment from the University of Reading, England.