Personal information

Verified email domains


Employment (4)

Technical University of Munich: Munich, DE

2006-04-01 to present (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

Technical University of Dresden: Dresden, DE

2003-12-01 to 2005-03-31
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

National University of Singapore: Singapore, SG

2002-02-01 to 2003-11-30
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

Institute of Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences: Beijing, Beijing, CN

1999-09-01 to 2002-01-31
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

Education and qualifications (3)

Beijing Institute of Technology: Beijing, Beijing, CN

1996-09-01 to 1999-07-31
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

National University of Defense Technology: Changsha, CN

1993-09-01 to 1996-01-31 (Applied Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

Xiangtan Institute of Mining: Xiantan, Hunan, CN

1989-09-01 to 1993-07-31
Source: Self-asserted source
Xiangyu HU

Peer review (27 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta mechanica Sinica. (3)
Review activity for AIAA journal. (1)
Review activity for Computational particle mechanics. (1)
Review activity for Computational particle mechanics. (2)
Review activity for Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. (1)
Review activity for International journal for numerical methods in fluids. (8)
Review activity for International journal of computational fluid dynamics. (3)
Review activity for Journal of scientific computing. (4)
Review activity for Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (1)
Review activity for Water. (3)