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Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Professor of Microbiology, Professor and Head cum Quality Manager
Food Quality Testing Laboratory (NABL Accredited), Center for Post Harvest Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, had served in this profession for 28 years. He had basics in agriculture, masters in microbiology and doctorate in environmental sciences from TNAU. He completed post doctoral training at Durban University of Technology, South Africa from 2008-2009 and a visiting fellow to Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He holds 7 awards and had published 77 original research articles. He had published 16 book chapters, one book, 56 seminar papers, 4 technical bulletins and 8 popular articles. He had handled several courses in fundamentals and applied microbiology for under graduates; bioenergetics, microbial physiology and fermentation technology to post graduate and doctorate level. His teaching excellency had won him the best teacher award in 2007 and National Best Teacher during 2020. He had guided 5 doctoral and 16 masters’ students in the field of agricultural microbiology. He had received 20 projects from different national and international funding agency.
He had trainings in the field of algal biofuels, environmental biotechnology and microbiology of rice ecosystem. He had organized 4 national and 2 international conferences. He had chaired several scientific sessions and holds membership in 13 scientific bodies. He had been in editorial board of five journals and is the reviewer in several journals. He had developed several technologies in the areas of biofuel production from algae, biodelignification, biocomposting, bioremediation and carbon dynamics & climate change. His team was one to first document silica as biologically transmutated source for bacterial growth similar to carbon. Currently his research focus is on food safety management and sustainability.