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neuropathologies, dementia, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, aging
United States


Matthew P. Janicki, Ph.D. is the co-chair of the US National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices, as well as a research associate professor in the Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also a member of the US federal NAPA Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services. Previously, he served as director for technical assistance for the former Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Developmental Disabilities and Health at the University, was director for aging and special populations for the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, and spent a year as a Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation's Public Policy Leadership Fellow at the US National Institute on Aging and the United States Senate. He was the principal investigator of several nationally-funded studies that examined how community agencies provide community supports to adults with intellectual disabilities affected by Alzheimer’s disease and how families are aided by community agencies in supporting adults with Down syndrome affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and was also the project director of a NIH-funded effort that provided the World Health Organization with a series of background reports on promoting longevity among adults with intellectual disabilities throughout the world. Currently, he is leading a longitudinal study of specialized group homes designed for dementia-related care of adults with intellectual disability, including Down syndrome. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. He is also the editor of numerous books and author of articles on aging, dementia, public policy, and rehabilitation concerning adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (including Dementia, Aging, and Intellectual Disabilities: A Handbook).


Employment (3)

National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices: Rockport, Maine, US

2010 to present | Co-President, Board of Directors (Administration)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, IL, US

2000 to present | Assoc Research Professor (Disability and Human Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

New York State Office For People With Developmental Disabilities: Albany, NY, US

1975 to 1999 | Director (Aging and Special Populations)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Education and qualifications (2)

University at Buffalo: Buffalo, NY, US

1969-09 to 1973-06 | Ph.D. (Rehabilitation)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

SUNY The State University of New York: Albany, NY, US

1967-09 to 1969-06 | M.A. (Rehabilitation)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Professional activities (1)

Federal Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Service: Washington, DC, US

2019-10-28 to 2024-10-30 | Council member
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Funding (11)

The Wichita Project: A naturalistic examination of the evolution of three specialty group homes for dementia related care of adults with intellectual disabilities (Phase II)

2013-10 to 2018-09 | Contract
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (D.C., D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

The Wichita Project: A naturalistic examination of the evolution of three specialty group homes for dementia related care of adults with intellectual disabilities

2010-10 to 2013-09 | Contract
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (D.C., D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Assessing the Impact of Community Dementia Care for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

2003-10 to 2008-09 | Contract
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (D.C., D.C., US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Enhancing State and Local Development of Supports for Caregivers of Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Part 2

2002-10 to 2003-09 | Contract
U.S. Administration on Aging (D.C., D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Assessing the Impact of Community Dementia Care for Adults with Developmental Disabilities-Part 2

2001-10 to 2003-09 | Award
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (D.C., D.C., US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Enhancing State and Local Development of Supports for Caregivers of Persons with Developmental Disabilities

2001-10 to 2002-09 | Grant
U.S. Administration on Aging (D.C., D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Preparing Community Agencies for Adults Affected by Dementia

1998-10 to 2001-09 | Contract
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (D.C., D.C., US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Health Practice Guidelines for Intellectually Disabled Adults

1998-08 to 2001-09 | Grant
National Institute on Aging (Baltimore, Maryland, US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Alzheimer Disease and Mental Retardation Colloquium

1994-03 to 1998-03 | Grant
National Institute on Aging (Md., Md., US)

R13 AG/HD12353-0

Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Supporting Caregivers: A Demonstration of Linkages to Help Older Caregivers of Family Members with a Developmental Disability

1993-10 to 1996-11 | Grant
U.S. Administration on Aging (D.C., D.C., US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki

Community Integration Project in Aging and Developmental Disabilities

1990-10 to 1993-02 | Grant
Administration on Aging/Administration on Developmental Disabilities (Washington, DC, US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Matthew Peter Janicki