Personal information

Microeconomics, Economic Measurement, Index Numbers, Efficiency and Productivity (DEA and SFA), Innovation (Benchmarking and Policy), Economic Geography (NEG), International Trade (NTT), Environmental Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics
Spain, Netherlands


I am Professor of Economics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and former Chair of the Department of Economics (Economic Theory and Economic History).

My research interests lay on the general field of Microeconomics. Particularly Economic Measurement (Index Numbers and Duality Theory), Productivity and Efficiency analysis (Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis), Innovation (Benchmarking, Innovation Systems, Policies, Patents and Trademarks), Transport Economics (Logistics, Supply Chain, Infrastructure and Accessibility), Economic Geography and Spatial Economics (New Economic Geography and New Trade Theory), and Cultural and Institutional Economics (Copyright industries).

My applied research relates to the areas of Regional and Urban Economics, Environmental Economics, and Industrial Organization, using both Operations Research (mathematical optimization) and Econometrics as empirical methods.
I have published papers in relevant field journals, and led large projects bringing together different universities, institutions and stakeholders. I am also acting consultant to the European Commission (Joint Research Center), World Property Intellectual Organization (UN), and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.


Employment (1)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2014-03-01 to present | Full Professor (Catedrático) (Economics Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
José L. Zofío

Education and qualifications (1)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2000-09-01 | Ph.D. (Economics Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
José L. Zofío

Professional activities (2)

Erasmus Research Institute of Management: Rotterdam, South Holland, NL

2017-10-15 to present | Visiting member (Rotterdam School of Management)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
José L. Zofío

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2013-09-19 to 2017-02-27 | Department Chair (Análisis Económico)
Source: Self-asserted source
José L. Zofío

Funding (1)

Benchmarking the efficiency and productivity of innovation systems to improve industrial strategies and policies (BENCH&INNOV&POL)

2020-10 to 2022-10 | Grant
Ministry of Science and Technology (Madrid, ES)


Source: Self-asserted source
José L. Zofío

Peer review (20 reviews for 7 publications/grants)

Review activity for Decision analytics journal. (2)
Review activity for European journal of operational research. (6)
Review activity for Journal of optimization theory and applications. (1)
Review activity for Journal of productivity analysis. (6)
Review activity for Omega (2)
Review activity for Operational research. (2)
Review activity for Transportation research. (1)