Personal information
Eunice Macedo is Assistant Professor at the Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) and a full member of CIIE - Centre for Research and Intervention in Education of the University of Porto. She has a Ph.D (master and degree) in Educational Sciences form FPCEUP. She underwent her initial training as teacher of elementary education at the Escola do Magistério Primário do Porto. She worked as a teacher for several years at various educational levels and contexts, including adult education and the education of people with learning difficulties. As a researcher of CIIE, she integrated the team of the EU-funded research project "Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe" (, in which she developed her Post-Doc, as well as the teams of other international projects "Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation" (CODE_IWP) and "Learning in a New Key: Engaging vulnerable young people in school education” (LINK) that nationally she coordinated. For more than ten years, she has been a guest speaker at FPCEUP in the various cycles and she is the vice-president of the board of Paulo Freire Institute of Portugal. Author of several works, her research on education, citizenship and gender, particularly with young people in schools, supports her intervention with communities, in search of ways of education and life linked to happiness and personal fulfillment, and mediated by the world.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (14)