Personal information
Prof. Dimitris Koutsouris (M), received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering in 1978 (Greece), DEA in Biomechanics in 1979 (France), Doctorat in Genie Biologie Medicale (France), Doctorat d'Etat in Biomedical Engineering 1984 (France). Since 1986 he was research associated at USC (Los Angeles), Renè Dèscartes (Paris) and Asoc. Professor at the school of Electrical & Computers Engineering of National Technical University of Athens. He is currently Professor and head of the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory. He has published over 200 research articles and book chapters and more than 300 conference communications. He was been elected as president of the Greek Society of Biomedical Technology (1998-2010), chairman of HL7 Hellas (2000 – 2008), and chairman of the school of Electrical & Computers Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (1998-2002). He was also president of E-Health Forum 2014, which was organized under the auspices of the Greek EU Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission. Prof. D. Koutsouris has been principal investigator in over 100 European and National Research programs, especially in the field of Telematics and Informatics in Healthcare.