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I am a veterinarian, PhD and Associate professor in Bacteriology. Worked with diagnostics of infectious animal diseases and foodborne zoonotic agents at the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) in Uppsala for many years. Research activities have included studies of infectious diseases in animals, zoonotic pathogens, and development and validation of analytical methods for bacterial pathogens.
Head of the EU Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Campylobacter in 2006-2015, still working on a consultancy basis for the EURL. Among the tasks for the EURL is to provide EU Commission and NRLs in EU with scientific and technical assistance within the area (Campylobacter).
Prior to my work at SVA, I worked at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) with teaching and supervising students as adjunct professor.
Currently I am affiliated as senior scientist at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology at Uppsala University.