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Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra received his Ph. D degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India in 2019. Currently, He is working as an Associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at VIT University, Vellore, India from May 2019 onwards. His current research interests include Rotor Dynamics, Vibrations and Control, Fault diagnosis, Experimental Vibration Analysis, Finite element Modelling, Optimization-based Design, Machine learning, IoT, and Bioimplants. He published more than 20 Research papers in international journals (SCI/Scopus) more than 30 papers presented at International/National conferences, and Published 4 book chapters. He received five research-funded projects from Industries/Research laboratories like DRDO, Honeywell, and Autodesk Pvt. Ltd. He was granted three Patents from the Indian patent office. He received an International collaboration research grant from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia. He received the VIT International Research Fund Scheme Award (VIN) 2022-23. In recognition of his research contributions, he has been selected as a Peer Reviewer in several International Journals. Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Mutra delivered more than 25 guest lectures/ keynote lectures in various faculty development programs/webinars/workshops. Interested in collaborating in Machine learning schemes, Surrogate models, IoT, and Image processing.