Personal information
I am currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry and Computer Science under Prof. Sabre Kais group. I completed my Ph.D. (December 2021) in the domain of Agriculture and Machine learning in Computer Science & Engineering Department under the supervision of Dr. Sushma Jain at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India.
My current research interests are in the areas of Quantum Machine Learning, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Big Data with applications in various domains. I am interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, specifically, some of the problems I find interesting are classification, recognition, segmentation, and object detection. I previously worked in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence and their applications in Detection and Defence against Adversarial attacks, Vehicle-Traffic sign detection, Chem-informatics, Smart Agriculture, Irrigation Scheduling, and Multiomic- genomic Biology. I am keenly interested in the intersection of Genomics and Machine Learning, employing computational analysis for multi-omic data/image integration, classification, segmentation, and detection.
I envision my future research to span across some interrelated sub-areas of Computer vision, Bio-informatics, Climate Crop-soil modeling, and Medical imaging.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (1)
09/677 (0040)/2019-EMR-I