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Works (8)

Multivariate geospatial analysis for predicting soil variability along a toposequence of a watershed in the humid tropics

2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sunshine A. De Caires; Mark N. Wuddivira; Chaney St Martin; Ronald Roopnarine; Aldaine Gordon; Bernie J. Zebarth
Source: check_circle

Soil properties and topographic features influence within‐field variation in potato tuber yield in New Brunswick, Canada

Soil Science Society of America Journal
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bernie J. Zebarth; Gilles Moreau; Tom Dixon; Sherry Fillmore; Anne Smith; Sheldon Hann; Louis‐Pierre Comeau
Source: check_circle

Nitrogen, irrigation, and alley management affects raspberry crop response and soil nitrogen and root‐lesion nematode dynamics

Soil Science Society of America Journal
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Shawn Kuchta; Denise Neilsen; Bernie J. Zebarth; Tom Forge; Craig Nichol
Source: check_circle

Soil Factors Related to within-Field Yield Variation in Commercial Potato Fields in Prince Edward Island Canada

American Journal of Potato Research
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Bernie J. Zebarth; Sherry Fillmore; Steve Watts; Ryan Barrett; Louis-Pierre Comeau
Source: check_circle

Growing season nitrate leaching as affected by nitrogen management in irrigated potato production

Agronomy Journal
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Chedzer‐Clarc Clément; Athyna N. Cambouris; Noura Ziadi; Bernie J. Zebarth; Antoine Karam
Source: check_circle

Economic effect of fall vs. spring plowing of forage on following potato production in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Khakbazan; J. Nyiraneza; Y. Jiang; V. Rodd; J. Huang; B. Zebarth; K. Fuller; E. Smith; R. Xie
Source: check_circle

Nitrogen, irrigation, and alley management effects on nitrate leaching from raspberry

Vadose Zone Journal
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Shawn Kuchta; Denise Neilsen; Thomas Forge; Bernie J. Zebarth; Craig Nichol
Source: check_circle

Effect of Diverse Compost Products on Potato Yield and Nutrient Availability

American Journal of Potato Research
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Carolyn Wilson; Bernie J. Zebarth; David L. Burton; Claudia Goyer; Gilles Moreau; Tom Dixon
Source: check_circle