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I currently work as Postdoctoral Fellow with the HUM952 STAND UGR Research Group and the Department of Contemporary History (University of Granada). I served as Postdoctoral Research Associate within the Project “Islamophobia in the East of the European Union.” (SSHRC 435-2017-0061. PI: Ivan Kalmar) at the University of Toronto. As well, I am Invited Professor at the University of Granada (UGR) in the MA in East Asian Studies, and member of the Research Group STAND-HUM952. Previously, I have served as Associate Lecturer in the Department of Contemporary History (UGR). I graduated in Sinology Studies (2014) and Islam Studies (2015) at the University of Granada; I completed a Master degree in Oriental Asian Studies (2015) and a Specialization Course in Epistemologies of the South (2017). I earned my PhD in Migration Studies (2019) with my dissertation “Other Voices of Histories. Coloniality and Official Narratives vis-à-vis Uyghurs Exile Mirror”. I got accredited as Assistant Professor in Contemporary History by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and the Andaluzian Agency of Knowledge (DEVA). During my pre- and post-doctoral period I have been lecturer of “Chinese Contemporary History” in the Bachelor of “Modern Languages and Literatures”, “Contemporary History” in the Bachelor of “Archaeology” and “Cooperation in Asia” in the Development Cooperation, Public Management and NGOs MA program (UGR). I am currently teaching “Classic Schools of Asian Thought” and “Asian Geography” in the East Asian Studies MA program, as well as “Latin American Contemporary History” in the Hispanic Studies Program of the UGR Center for Modern Languages. I also co-organized the “Socio-Environmental Epistemologies. Narratives for the Re-existence within the Global South" course within the CLACSO-FLACSO-CES Specialization and International Course of Epistemologies of the South. I am also conducting research in the Project: “Percepción y apropiación asimétrica del golfo de California, (siglos XVI-XXI): historia ambiental, conflictos ecológico-distributivos y sustentabilidad.” (Gobierno de México SEP-CONACYT. PI: Martha Micheline Cariño Olvera (Universidad de Baja California Sur).