Personal information

Engineering, Thermo & Fluid dynamics, Biomass & biofuel, Modeling, CFD


Employment (3)

ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel: Esbjerg, DK

2020-09-01 to present | Product Manager
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel: Esbjerg, DK

2017-09-01 to 2020-08-31 | Industrial PhD student (R&D)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel: Esbjerg, DK

2016-07-01 to 2017-07-01 | Engineer (R&D)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

Education and qualifications (3)

Aalborg Universitet: Esbjerg, DK

2017-09-01 to 2020-08-31 | PhD (Energy Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

Aalborg Universitet: Esbjerg, DK

2014-09-01 to 2016-07-01 | M.Sc. Process engineering and combusiton technology (Energy Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

Aalborg Universitet: Esbjerg, DK

2011-09-01 to 2014-07-01 | B.Sc. Energy (Sustainable Energy Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

Funding (1)

Next Generation Die Design

2017-09 to 2020-08 | Grant
Innovationsfonden (Copenhagen, DK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen

Works (5)

A vibration-based machine learning approach for roller gap detection in biomass pellet production

Biosystems Engineering
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mads Kjærgaard Nielsen; Simon Klinge Nielsen; Torben Tambo
Source: check_circle

Experimental and numerical investigation of die designs in biomass pelleting and the effect on layer formation in pellets

Biosystems Engineering
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Simon Klinge Nielsen; Matthias Mandø
Source: check_circle

Constitutive modelling of compression and stress relaxation in pine pellets

Biomass and Bioenergy
2019-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Simon Klinge Nielsen; Hamid Rezaei; Matthias Mandø; Shahab Sokhansanj
Source: check_circle

Review of die design and process parameters in the biomass pelleting process

Powder Technology
2019-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0032-5910
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen
Preferred source (of 2)‎

1D Model for Investigation of Energy Consumption and Wear in Die Designs Used for Biomass Pelleting

ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
2018-05-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Klinge Nielsen