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Doctor of Sciences, University of Navarra, 1992. Professor of Immunology of the University of Navarra and Researcher at the Centro de Investigacion Médica Aplicada (CIMA).
After obtaining the degree in Biological Sciences (University of Navarra in 1988), I joined the Department of Medicine at the University Clinic of Navarra where I completed my PhD (December 1992). After a postdoctoral period I was hired in 1995 as a researcher by the Instituto Científico y Tecnológico de Navarra (ICT) and became part of the staff of the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) in 2002. I made stays at the Hospital Cochin and the Institute Pasteur in Paris. In 1995 I was hired as a professor by the University of Navarra where I received the appointment of Professor of Immunology in 2014 (Acreditted as Profesor Catedrático by ANECA in 2015)
My scientific activity has been focused on the Area of immunology and the development of antiviral and antitumor vaccines and immunotherapies. I worked on the characterization of mechanisms of induction of cellular and humoral immune responses, the study of the immune-escape mechanisms of viruses and tumors, as well as on the characterization and development of inhibitory molecules of different biological processes.
I have developed and patented vaccination methods, some of them have been transferred to the pharmaceutical industry. I have worked on the identification and characterization of inhibitory molecules against immunosuppressive molecules such as TGF-beta, IL-10 or the transcription factor FOXP3, which are now under development.
Since the beginning of my professional activity in 1989, I have participated in the publication of more than 150 articles in international journals, and in more than 100 communications to Congresses. I have directed 12 Doctoral Theses (five of them recognized with the extraordinary Doctorate Award, University of Navarra) and I have been co-inventor in 17 patents. . I have participated in more than 25 research projects funded by CYCIT, Carlos III Health Institute, European Union, Government of Navarra and private organizations, being principal investigator in 17 of them.
I currently serve as the Head of the Immunology and Immunotherapy program at CIMA.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (20)
Grant Agreement number: 779316
HIVSTOP 037301
SAF 97-0223