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Employment (1)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Blacksburg, VA, US

2017-08 to present | Graduate Research Assistant (Magnetosphere Ionosphere Science Team)
Source: Self-asserted source
Shane Coyle

Education and qualifications (1)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Blacksburg, VA, US

2017-08 to present | PhD/Electrical Engineering - Electromagnetics (Center for Space Science and Engineering Research)
Source: Self-asserted source
Shane Coyle

Works (17)

Substorms and Solar Eclipses: A Mutual Information Based Study

Geophysical Research Letters
2023-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: S. E. Coyle; J. B. H. Baker; S. Chakraborty; M. D. Hartinger; M. P. Freeman; C. R. Clauer; Z. Xu; D. R. Weimer
Source: check_circle

Magnetic Field Observations on Interhemispheric Conjugate Chains

Earth and Space Science
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: D. R. Weimer; C. R. Clauer; Z. Xu; S. Coyle; M. D. Hartinger
Source: check_circle

Magnetic Field Observations on Interhemispheric Conjugate Chains

2023-05-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Daniel R Weimer; C. Robert Clauer; Zhonghua Xu; Shane Coyle; Michael D. Hartinger
Source: check_circle

The 2021 Antarctic Total Eclipse: Ground Magnetometer and GNSS Wave Observations From the 40 Degree Magnetic Meridian

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: S. E. Coyle; M. D. Hartinger; C. R. Clauer; J. B. H. Baker; I. Cnossen; M. P. Freeman; J. M. Weygand
Source: check_circle

The 2021 Antarctic Total Eclipse: Ground Magnetometer and GNSS Wave Observations from the 40 Degree Magnetic Meridian

2022-11-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Shane Coyle; Michael D. Hartinger; C. Robert Clauer; J. B. H. Baker; Ingrid Cnossen; Mervyn P. Freeman; James M. Weygand
Source: check_circle

Geomagnetic Disturbances That Cause GICs: Investigating Their Interhemispheric Conjugacy and Control by IMF Orientation

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Laura E. Simms; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Lilia Bouayed; Mark B. Moldwin; James M. Weygand; Michael D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; C. Robert Clauer; Shane Coyle et al.
Source: check_circle

Magnetic Perturbation Events (MPEs) that cause GICs: Investigating their Interhemispheric Conjugacy and Control by IMF Orientation

2022-04-24 | Preprint
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Laura E. Simms; Vyatcheslav A. Pilipenko; Lilia Bouayed; Mark B. Moldwin; James M. Weygand; Michael D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; C. Robert Clauer; Shane Coyle et al.
Source: check_circle

Superposed Epoch Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Lidiya Y. Ahmed; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Erik S. Steinmetz; Mark B. Moldwin; Martin G. Connors; David H. Boteler; James M. Weygand; Shane Coyle; Shin Ohtani et al.
Source: check_circle

The impact and resolution of the GPS week number rollover of April 2019 on autonomous geophysical instrument platforms

Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
2021-07-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Shane Coyle; C. Robert Clauer; Michael D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; Yuxiang Peng
Source: check_circle

Superposed Epoch Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada

2021-04-21 | Other
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Lidiya Y. Ahmed; Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Erik S. Steinmetz; Mark B. Moldwin; Martin Connors; David H Boteler; James M. Weygand; Shane Coyle; Shinichi Ohtani et al.
Source: check_circle

Conjugate Properties of Magnetospheric Pc5 Waves: Antarctica‐Greenland Comparison

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Valery A. Martines‐Bedenko; Shane Coyle; Evgeny N. Fedorov; Michael D. Hartinger; Mark J. Engebretson; Thom R. Edwards
Source: check_circle

The Impact and Resolution of the GPS Week Number Rollover of April 2019 on Autonomous Geophysical Instrument Platforms

2021-01-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Shane Coyle; C. Robert Clauer; Michael D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; Yuxiang Peng
Source: check_circle

Multipoint Conjugate Observations of Dayside ULF Waves During an Extended Period of Radial IMF

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2020-11 | Journal article
Contributors: X. Shi; M. D. Hartinger; J. B. H. Baker; J. M. Ruohoniemi; D. Lin; Z. Xu; S. Coyle; B. S. R. Kunduri; L. M. Kilcommons; A. Willer
Source: check_circle

Interhemispheric Comparisons of Large Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Relevant to GICs

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Kathryn R. Kirkevold; Erik S. Steinmetz; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Mark B. Moldwin; Brett A. McCuen; C. R. Clauer; Michael D. Hartinger; Shane Coyle; Hermann Opgenoorth et al.
Source: check_circle

Interhemispheric Comparisons of Large Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Relevant to GICs

2020-05-02 | Other
Contributors: Mark J. Engebretson; Kathryn R. Kirkevold; Erik S. Steinmetz; Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Mark B. Moldwin; Brett A. McCuen; C. Robert Clauer; Michael D. Hartinger; Shane Coyle; Hermann J. Opgenoorth et al.
Source: check_circle

Interhemispheric Asymmetries in the Ground Magnetic Response to Interplanetary Shocks: The Role of Shock Impact Angle

Space Weather
2020-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Z. Xu; M. D. Hartinger; D. M. Oliveira; S. Coyle; C. R. Clauer; D. Weimer; T. R. Edwards
Source: check_circle

Multi-point Conjugate Observations of Dayside ULF Waves during an Extended Period of Radial IMF

2020-03-16 | Other
Contributors: Xueling Shi; Michael D. Hartinger; J. B. H. Baker; John Michael Ruohoniemi; Dong Lin; Zhonghua Xu; Shane Coyle; Bharat Simha Reddy Kunduri; Liam Kilcommons; Anna Willer
Source: check_circle