Personal information

Verified email domains


Employment (2)

University of Memphis: Memphis, US

2022-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Department of City and Regional Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

The University of Memphis: Memphis, TN, US

2019-08 to 2021-12 | Visiting Assistant Professor (Department of City and Regional Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Cincinnati: Cincinnati, OH, US

2014-08 to 2019-08 | PhD in Regional Development Planning (School of Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

University of Cincinnati: Cincinnati, OH, US

2012-08 to 2014-04 | Masters in Community Planning (School of Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology: Kumasi, Ashanti, GH

2005-08 to 2009-05 | BSc. Development Planning (Department of Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

Works (30)

A tale of two disasters: Unpacking how social learning from the Ebola epidemic shaped COVID‐19 response in informal settlements in Freetown

Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy
2024-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko; Seth Asare Okyere; Louis Kusi Frimpong; Stephen Leonard Mensah; Matthew Abunyewah; Gordon Amankwaa
Source: check_circle

The urban question in Africa: Uneven geographies of transition , by Padraig R. Carmody, James T. Murphy, Richard Grant, and Francis Y. Owusu The urban question in Africa: Uneven geographies of transition , by Padraig R. Carmody, James T. Murphy, Richard Grant, and Francis Y. Owusu, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, 2023

Journal of Urban Affairs
2024-07-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen K. Diko
Source: check_circle

Assessing differential socio-demographic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban livelihood capitals in suburban Accra, Ghana

Socio-Ecological Practice Research
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Louis Kusi Frimpong; Stephen Leonard Mensah; Seth Asare Okyere; Matthew Abunyewah; Stephen Kofi Diko; Gordon Amankwaa
Source: check_circle

Fire risk communication in the urban informal sector: Evidence from traditional marketplaces in Accra, Ghana

Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew Abunyewah; Seth A. Okyere; Louis K. Frimpong; Stephen K. Diko; Michael O. Erdiaw‐Kwasie; Victor Boateng
Source: check_circle

Digitalisation for whom: the determinants of residents' use of the digital property address system in Accra, Ghana

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
2023-11-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Louis Kusi Frimpong; Stephen Leonard Mensah; Seth Asare Okyere; Matthew Abunyewah; Stephen Kofi Diko; Seth Barnie Enning; Joshua Mawutor Attigah
Source: check_circle

A digital turn for urban management? Residents' perception and utilisation of the digital property address system in Accra, Ghana

Urban Governance
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen Leonard Mensah; Louis Kusi Frimpong; Seth Asare Okyere; Stephen Kofi Diko; Seth Barnie Enning; Matthew Abunyewah; Joshua Mawutor Attigah
Source: check_circle

Prioritization of climate change adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers in semi-arid savannah agro-ecological zones: insights from the Talensi District, Ghana

Journal of Social and Economic Development
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Seth Opoku Mensah; Timothy Amang-bey Akanpabadai; Stephen Kofi Diko; Seth Asare Okyere; Chanimbe Benamba
Source: check_circle

Urban green space planning in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana: a prioritization conundrum and its co-benefits solution

Socio-Ecological Practice Research
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: check_circle

Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education

2023-02-23 | Book
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko; Leah Marie Hollstein; Danilo Palazzo
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko

Obscured Innovations? Inventiveness in Collective Infrastructure Management in Accra, Ghana

Informality and the City
2022-10-04 | Other
Contributors: Seth Asare Okyere; Stephen Kofi Diko; Mowa Ebashi; Michihiro Kita
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Cities of entanglements: Social life in Johannesburg and Maputo through ethnographic comparison, by Barbara Heer

Journal of Urban Affairs
2022-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: check_circle

Towards an alternative interpretation of the socio-cultural dimensions of urban greenspace planning in the Global South: Evidence from the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana

Journal of Urban Affairs
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14679906 07352166
Contributors: Diko, S.K.; Hollstein, L.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Are local development plans mainstreaming climate-smart agriculture? A mixed-content analysis of medium-term development plans in semi-arid Ghana

Socio-Ecological Practice Research
2021-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2524-5279
Part of ISSN: 2524-5287
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Planning for Informal Urban Green Spaces in African Cities: Children’s Perception and Use in Peri-Urban Areas of Luanda, Angola

Urban Science
2021-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2413-8851
Contributors: Eurídice Lurdes Jorge Pedrosa; Seth Asare Okyere; Louis Kusi Frimpong; Stephen Kofi Diko; Tracy Sidney Commodore; Michihiro Kita
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search
Preferred source (of 3)‎

An integrated social vulnerability assessment of riverine flood hazards in Shelby County, Tennessee

International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17595916 17595908
Contributors: Shupe-Diggs, C.; Diko, S.K.; Santo, C.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Scopus - Elsevier

Flooding in mega-cities: using structural equation modeling to assess flood impact in Dhaka

International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17595916 17595908
Contributors: Fatemi, M.N.; Okyere, S.A.; Diko, S.K.; Abunyewah, M.; Kita, M.; Rahman, T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Scopus - Elsevier

I want to go home forever: Stories of becoming and belonging in South Africa’s great metropolis, edited by Loren B. Landau and Tanya Pampalone

Journal of Urban Affairs
2020-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: check_circle

Urban Planning as a Career Preference for Students: Efforts to Improve Awareness about the Profession

Planning Practice & Research
2020-06-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0269-7459
Part of ISSN: 1360-0583
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Physical vulnerability and local responses to flood damage in peri-urban areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sustainability (Switzerland)
2020-05 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Multi-Level Climate Governance in Bangladesh via Climate Change Mainstreaming: Lessons for Local Climate Action in Dhaka City

Urban Science
2020-05-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2413-8851
Contributors: Md. Nawrose Fatemi; Seth Asare Okyere; Stephen Kofi Diko; Michihiro Kita
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

In Search of Place and Life in Indigenous Urban Communities:

The Challenge of African Potentials
2020-02-07 | Other
Contributors: Michihiro Kita; Seth Asare Okyere; Miwa Sugita; Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Institutional Barriers to Urban Greenspace Planning in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana

Urban Forum
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

18746330 10153802

Contributors: Diko, S.K.; Palazzo, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Missed Opportunities? Financing Climate Action in Urban Ghana and Uganda

The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa
2019-01 | Other
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Toward Citizen-Led Planning for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Ghana: Hints from Japanese ‘Machizukuri’ Activities

The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa
2019-01 | Other
Contributors: Seth Asare Okyere; Stephen Kofi Diko; Matthew Abunyewah; Michihiro Kita
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Initiatives in Africa

Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities
2018 | Other
Contributors: Kwame Ntiri Owusu-Daaku; Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Toward Integration: Managing the Divergence Between National Climate Change Interventions and Urban Planning in Ghana

Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities
2018 | Other
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Slums: How informal real estate markets work, edited by Eugenie L. Birch, Shahana Chattaraj, and Susan M. Wachter

Journal of Urban Affairs
2017-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0735-2166
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

An Urban “Mixity”: Spatial Dynamics of Social Interactions and Human Behaviors in the Abese informal Quarter of La Dadekotopon, Ghana

Urban Science
2017-04 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

From the Past into the Future: The Utopian Roots of Ecological PlanningEcological Planning in North America

Topics and Methods for Urban and Landscape Design
2017-03 | Other
Contributors: Danilo Palazzo; Stephen K. Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Nurturing the tree of sustainable urban future for Kumasi, Ghana

2017-03-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1360-4813
Contributors: Stephen Kofi Diko
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Diko via Crossref Metadata Search

Peer review (42 reviews for 13 publications/grants)

Review activity for African geographical review. (6)
Review activity for International journal of environmental research and public health (4)
Review activity for Journal of environmental planning and management. (2)
Review activity for Journal of housing and the built environment. (1)
Review activity for Journal of housing and the built environment. (1)
Review activity for Journal of planning education and research (1)
Review activity for Journal of urban affairs. (2)
Review activity for PLOS climate. (3)
Review activity for Socio-Ecological Practice Research. (9)
Review activity for Socio-ecological practice research. (6)
Review activity for Sustainability. (4)
Review activity for Urban forestry & urban greening. (2)
Review activity for Urban forum. (1)