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PhD in ethnology from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Full Professor and Senior Research Fellow. She is a researcher, postgraduate professor and writer in the field of ethnology, cultural/social anthropology and folklore, which go beyond the current disciplinary practice, with the focus on applied research and the use of critical, experimental and traditional forms of qualitative inquiry in the interests of social justice, dignity and human rights.
The University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Slovenia: 1993 (BA in Ethnology and Professor of Philosophy), 1997 (M.A. in Ethnology) and 2000 (PhD in Ethnology).
Pedagogical work
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts 1993–2000; Istitutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana Graduate School for the Humanities (From 2006 to 2012 she was the chair of the postgraduate study programme of Anthropology of everyday life); IEDC – Bled School of Management 2013–2014 (cooperation in the doctoral study programme of leadership); AMEU – ISH, Faculty for Postgraduate Studies 2016- professor of Humanities 1, Applied Medical Anthropology and Ethics in science and research integrity.
Field of Research
Main research interests: ethnology, cultural/social anthropology, folklore, oral history, lexicography, ethics, qualitative inquiry, medical anthropology, medical humanities, history of medicine, anthropology of everyday life, anthropology of gender, business anthropology, honour and good name, culture/heritage of wine, anthropology of smell, olfactory heritage. Topics of her research were dedicated to the Slovene minority in Austria, liminal identities, honour and good name, shame, psycho-terror at work, social and cultural perceptions of breast cancer, ethnological lexicology, qualitative methodology, especially mixed methods, research ethics, applied anthropology, cultural brand management, rituals in marketing, history of medicine and medical humanities.
She was a project leader and contributor of 378 entries on Slovene ethnology, methodology and history in Leksikon etnologije Slovencev/Lexicon of Slovene Ethnology (Ljubljana 2004, second edition 2007, third edition 2011); she had published in English language encyclopedias: The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife (2006), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy tales (2008); The Sage Encyclopedia of Play (2009); she published at Lit Verlag, Cambridge Scholars, Springer, etc. She was a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Etnolog (2003–2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia). Currently, she is a member of the editorial board of International Review of Qualitative Research (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 2008-) and Etnologia Slovaca et Slavica (Bratislava, 2018-). She is the chair of Ethical Committee at The Slovene Ethnological Society (2007-).
She is the project leader of large basic project "Smell and Intangible Cultural Heritage" (2023-2027).
She published several scientific monographs in Slovene, English or the Slovak language.
- Portret glasov. Raziskave življenjskih zgodb v etnologiji – na primeru koroških Slovencev. Ljubljana 2003 [The Portrait of the Voices: The Research of Life-stories in Ethnology: The Case of Carinthian Slovenes]
- Žrtvovanje resnice. Opoj zmuzljivih diskretnih nediskretnosti. Maribor 2006 [Sacrifice of the Truth: The Spell of Slippery Discreet Indiscretions]
- Družbeno-kulturne podobe raka dojk v Sloveniji = Social and cultural imagery of breast cancer in Slovenia.Ljubljana 2007 (Slovene and English bilingual book); Spoločensko-kultúrne reflexie rakoviny prsníika v Slovinsku. Bratislava 2013 (updated translation in Slovak language)
- Čast ni balast. Maribor 2011 [Honour is not a burden]
- Wine Queens: Understanding the Role of Women in Wine Marketing. Springer International Publishing 2015
- Zdravje in bolezen na Pohorju. Maribor, 2017 [Health and disease in Pohorje]
- Social Impact of wine marketing: the challenge of digital technologies to regulation. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022
- Antropologija vonja. Ljubljana 2024 [The Anthropology of Smell]
- The Anthropology of Smell. Cham: Springer Nature, 2024.


Employment (2)

University of Ljubljana: Ljubljana, SI

Full Professor (Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

University of Ljubljana: Ljubljana, SI

Full Professor (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Heritage Science Laboratory)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology: Ljubljana, SI

B.A. Ethnology and Prof. of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology: Ljubljana, SI

PhD in Ethnology (Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts: Ljubljana, SI

M.Phil. in Ethnology (Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

Funding (3)

Leksikon etnologije Slovencev / Slovenian ethnological Lexicon

ARIS (Ljubljana, SI)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

Vonj in nesnovna kulturna dediščina / Smell and intangible cultural heritage

ARIS (Ljubljana, SI)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak

Zdravstvo kot javni prostor: družbena integracija in družbena različnost v kontekstu dostopa do zdravstva v Evropi / Healthcare as a Public Space: Social Integration and Social Diversity in the Context of Access to Healthcare in Europe

HERA (Ballsbridge, IE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mojca Ramšak