Personal information
Syahrial Shaddiq (SS) was born in Kelua, South Borneo, Indonesia on May 18, 1993. SS's parents are from HSS & Tabalong. He obtained several degrees at the age of 27, such as a Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.), Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Master of Science (M.Si.), and Doctor (Dr.) in electrical engineering, sharia/islamic finance, & economics (human resource management) from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta, & Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta, respectively graduated: the best, cum laude, summa cum laude (4.00), & with distinction. Moreover, he was granted the degree of Engineer (Ir.), Master of Management (M.M.), Junior Professional Engineer (IPP.), & Certified NLP, NSP, HRA, & MT in electrical engineering, strategic management, electrical engineering (master field of information technology/informatics), neuro-linguistic programming, negotiation, human resource analyst, motivational teacher from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta, Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) Jakarta, Edu Learning Academy (ELA) Tangerang, ARLC Yogyakarta, & LPK Generasi Faqih Fiddin (LPK GFF). Due to all of his degrees and achievements, he became an academician of economics, accounting, management, master of economics, master of management, master of communication science, doctor of management science, electrical engineering, information technology, industrial engineering, informatics engineering, finance, public administration, public health, nutrition, law, statistics, & information system at the ULM, UT, UCB, UNISKA, UIN, UVAYA, UNUKASE, UNTAIN, STMIK, STIMI, Polkessin, UPMI Medan, UM Mamuju, & EMLV Paris. Besides as an academician, he is also a reviewer & editorial board of academic journals at the Behaviour & Information Technology (Q1), Quality (Q4), JuLIET UGM, JRC UMY, JITEKI UAD, BPI ULM, RAGAM, JSMB UTM, Prospek UNDIKSHA, Positif POLIBAN, SMBJ UPMI, JICTEE UTI, JCOB, IJRIAS, IJRISS, Social Science Studies, SENESIS IBT, BISTE UAD, JIMPKS UNITOMO, JTIP UPMI, AKUA, Jurnal Al-Qardh, etc. Furthermore, he conducts research related to the field of business, economics, & management (BEM); electrical & electronics engineering (EEE); new & renewable energy (NRE); and information systems & technology (IS & IT). Bismillah, SS thrives to become an expert in the field of Human Resource Development Economics (HRDE).