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Works (35)

New Cold Subdwarf Discoveries from Backyard Worlds and a Metallicity Classification System for T Subdwarfs

The Astrophysical Journal
2025-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Adam J. Burgasser; Adam C. Schneider; Aaron M. Meisner; Dan Caselden; Chih-Chun Hsu; Roman Gerasimov; Christian Aganze; Emma Softich; Preethi Karpoor; Christopher A. Theissen et al.
Source: check_circle

The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project (BDKP). VI. Ultracool Dwarf Radial and Rotational Velocities from SDSS/APOGEE High-resolution Spectroscopy

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2024-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Chih-Chun Hsu; Adam J. Burgasser; Christopher A. Theissen; Jessica L. Birky; Christian Aganze; Roman Gerasimov; Sarah J. Schmidt; Cullen H. Blake; Kevin R. Covey; Elizabeth Moreno-Hilario et al.
Source: check_circle

The Spectral ANalog of Dwarfs (SAND): New Model Atmospheres with Varying Chemistry for Galactic Archaeology with Ultracool Dwarfs

Research Notes of the AAS
2024-05-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Efrain Alvarado, III; Roman Gerasimov; Adam J. Burgasser; Hunter Brooks; Christian Aganze; Christopher A. Theissen
Source: check_circle

Prospects for Detecting Gaps in Globular Cluster Stellar Streams in External Galaxies with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

The Astrophysical Journal
2024-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christian Aganze; Sarah Pearson; Tjitske Starkenburg; Gabriella Contardo; Kathryn V. Johnston; Kiyan Tavangar; Adrian M. Price-Whelan; Adam J. Burgasser
Source: check_circle

An Earth-sized exoplanet ripe for emission spectroscopy with JWST in orbit around a nearby ultracool dwarf star

2023-11-30 | Other
Contributors: Michaël Gillon; Peter Pihlmann Pedersen; Benjamin V. Rackham; Georgina Dransfield; Elsa Ducrot; Khalid Barkaoui; Artem Burdanov; U. Schroffenegger; Yilen Gomez Maqueo Chew; Susan M Lederer et al.
Source: check_circle

An Earth-sized exoplanet ripe for emission spectroscopy with JWST in orbit around a nearby ultracool dwarf star

2023-11-30 | Other
Contributors: Michaël Gillon; Peter Pihlmann Pedersen; Benjamin V. Rackham; Georgina Dransfield; Elsa Ducrot; Khalid Barkaoui; Artem Burdanov; U. Schroffenegger; Yilen Gomez Maqueo Chew; Susan M Lederer et al.
Source: check_circle

TESS discovery of a super-Earth orbiting the M-dwarf star TOI-1680

2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ghachoui, M.; Soubkiou, A.; Wells, R.~D.; Rackham, B.~V.; Triaud, A.~H.~M.~J.; Sebastian, D.; Giacalone, S.; Stassun, K.~G.; Ciardi, D.~R.; Collins, K.~A. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Nearby, Wide-separation L Dwarf Pair CWISE J061741.79+194512.8AB

Research Notes of the AAS
2023-08-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Austin Humphreys; Aaron M. Meisner; Adam J. Burgasser; Chih-Chun Hsu; Adam C. Schneider; Christopher A. Theissen; Christian Aganze; Roman Gerasimov; Noah Schapera; J. Davy Kirkpatrick et al.
Source: check_circle

A 1.55 R$_⨁$ habitable-zone planet hosted by TOI-715, an M4 star near the ecliptic South Pole

2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Dransfield, Georgina; Timmermans, Mathilde; Triaud, Amaury H.~M.~J.; Dévora-Pajares, Mart́ın; Aganze, Christian; Barkaoui, Khalid; Burgasser, Adam J.; Collins, Karen A.; Cointepas, Marion; Ducrot, Elsa et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

A 1.55 R⊕ habitable-zone planet hosted by TOI-715, an M4 star near the ecliptic South Pole

2023-05-18 | Other
Contributors: Georgina Dransfield; Mathilde Timmermans; Amaury H. M. J. Triaud; M. Dévora-Pajares; christian aganze; Khalid Barkaoui; Adam J. Burgasser; Karen Collins; Marion Cointepas; Elsa Ducrot et al.
Source: check_circle

A 1.55 R⊕ habitable-zone planet hosted by TOI-715, an M4 star near the ecliptic South Pole

2023-05-18 | Other
Contributors: Georgina Dransfield; Mathilde Timmermans; Amaury H. M. J. Triaud; M. Dévora-Pajares; christian aganze; Khalid Barkaoui; Adam J. Burgasser; Karen Collins; Marion Cointepas; Elsa Ducrot et al.
Source: check_circle

A super-Earth and a mini-Neptune near the 2:1 MMR straddling the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf TOI-2096

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Pozuelos, F.~J.; Timmermans, M.; Rackham, B.~V.; Garcia, L.~J.; Burgasser, A.~J.; Kane, S.~R.; Günther, M.~N.; Stassun, K.~G.; Van Grootel, V.; Dévora-Pajares, M. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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JWST/NIRCam Discovery of the First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary: WISE J033605.05-014350.4

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Calissendorff, Per; De Furio, Matthew; Meyer, Michael; Albert, Löıc; Aganze, Christian; Ali-Dib, Mohamad; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Baron, Frederique; Beichman, Charles A.; Burgasser, Adam J. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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Redder than Red: Discovery of an Exceptionally Red L/T Transition Dwarf

2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Schneider, Adam C.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Bruursema, Justice; Munn, Jeffrey A.; Vrba, Frederick J.; Caselden, Dan; Kabatnik, Martin; Rothermich, Austin; Sainio, Arttu; Bickle, Thomas P. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

Identifying Ultracool Binary Systems using Machine Learning Methods

Research Notes of the AAS
2023-01-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Malina Desai; Juan Diego Draxl Giannoni; Camille Dunning; Luke McDermott; Christian Aganze; Christopher A. Theissen; Adam J. Burgasser
Source: check_circle

Spectral Characterization of the Low-mass Companion μ Virgenes B

Research Notes of the AAS
2022-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Julissa Villalobos Valencia; Adam J. Burgasser; Chih-Chun Hsu; Christian Aganze
Source: check_circle

Two temperate super-Earths transiting a nearby late-type M dwarf

2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Delrez, L.; Murray, C.~A.; Pozuelos, F.~J.; Narita, N.; Ducrot, E.; Timmermans, M.; Watanabe, N.; Burgasser, A.~J.; Hirano, T.; Rackham, B.~V. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
Preferred source (of 2)‎

TESS discovery of a sub-Neptune orbiting a mid-M dwarf TOI-2136

2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Gan, Tianjun; Soubkiou, Abderahmane; Wang, Sharon X.; Benkhaldoun, Zouhair; Mao, Shude; Artigau, Étienne; Fouqué, Pascal; Arnold, Luc; Giacalone, Steven; Theissen, Christopher A. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

Beyond the Local Volume. II. Population Scaleheights and Ages of Ultracool Dwarfs in Deep HST/WFC3 Parallel Fields

2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Aganze, Christian; Burgasser, Adam J.; Malkan, Mathew; Theissen, Christopher A.; Tejada Arevalo, Roberto A.; Hsu, Chih-Chun; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Ryan, Russell E.; Holwerda, Benne
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Discovery of 34 Low-mass Comoving Systems Using NOIRLab Source Catalog DR2

2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Kiwy, Frank; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Meisner, Aaron; Schneider, Adam C.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Kuchner, Marc J.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Casewell, Sarah; Kiman, Rocio; Calamari, Emily et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

A Self-consistent Model for Brown Dwarf Populations

2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryan, R.~E.; Thorman, P.; Aganze, C.; Burgasser, A.~J.; Cohen, S.~H.; Hathi, N.~P.; Holwerda, B.; Pirzkal, N.; Windhorst, R.~A.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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Applying Random Forest Classification to Ultracool Dwarf Discovery in Deep Surveys. I. Color Classification with SDSS, UKIDSS, and WISE Photometry

Research Notes of the AAS
2022-04-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Zijie Gong; Adriana Nava Vega; Eduardo Gauna Gutierrez; Arantxa Mendiola Maytorena; Carlos Verdaguer; Christian Aganze; Christopher Danner; Adam J. Burgasser
Source: check_circle

Applying Random Forest Classification to Ultracool Dwarf Discovery in Deep Surveys. II. Color Classification with PanSTARRS, 2MASS, UKIDSS, and WISE Photometry

Research Notes of the AAS
2022-04-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Eduardo Gauna Gutierrez; Arantxa Mendiola Maytorena; Zijie Gong; Adriana Nava Vega; Carlos Verdaguer; Christian Aganze; Christopher Danner; Adam J. Burgasser
Source: check_circle

CWISE J014611.20-050850.0AB: The Widest Known Brown Dwarf Binary in the Field

2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Softich, Emma; Schneider, Adam C.; Patience, Jennifer; Burgasser, Adam J.; Shkolnik, Evgenya; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Caselden, Dan; Meisner, Aaron M.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Kuchner, Marc J. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

An Early-time Optical and Ultraviolet Excess in the Type-Ic SN 2020oi

American Astronomical Society
2022-02-04 | Other
Contributors: Alexander Gagliano; Luca Izzo; Charles Kilpatrick; Brenna Mockler; Wynn Jacobson-Galan; Giacomo Terreran; Georgios Dimitriadis; Y Zenati; Katie Auchettl; Maria Drout et al.
Source: check_circle

An Early-time Optical and Ultraviolet Excess in the Type-Ic SN 2020oi

2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Gagliano, Alexander; Izzo, Luca; Kilpatrick, Charles D.; Mockler, Brenna; Jacobson-Galán, Wynn Vicente; Terreran, Giacomo; Dimitriadis, Georgios; Zenati, Yossef; Auchettl, Katie; Drout, Maria R. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

Beyond the Local Volume. I. Surface Densities of Ultracool Dwarfs in Deep HST/WFC3 Parallel Fields

2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Aganze, Christian; Burgasser, Adam J.; Malkan, Mathew; Theissen, Christopher A.; Tejada Arevalo, Roberto A.; Hsu, Chih-Chun; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Ryan, Russell E.; Holwerda, Benne
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
Preferred source (of 3)‎

A Wide Planetary Mass Companion Discovered through the Citizen Science Project Backyard Worlds: Planet 9

2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Gagné, Jonathan; Popinchalk, Mark; Vos, Johanna M.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Schümann, Jörg; Schneider, Adam C.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Meisner, Aaron M.; Kuchner, Marc J. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project (BDKP). V. Radial and Rotational Velocities of T Dwarfs from Keck/NIRSPEC High-resolution Spectroscopy

2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hsu, Chih-Chun; Burgasser, Adam J.; Theissen, Christopher A.; Gelino, Christopher R.; Birky, Jessica L.; Diamant, Sharon J.~M.; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Aganze, Christian; Blake, Cullen H.; Faherty, Jacqueline K.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Ross 19B: An Extremely Cold Companion Discovered via the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Schneider, Adam C.; Meisner, Aaron M.; Gagné, Jonathan; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Marocco, Federico; Burgasser, Adam J.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Kuchner, Marc J.; Gramaize, Léopold; Rothermich, Austin et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

New Candidate Extreme T Subdwarfs from the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Meisner, Aaron M.; Schneider, Adam C.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Marocco, Federico; Line, Michael R.; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Caselden, Dan; Kuchner, Marc J.; Gelino, Christopher R. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

The Field Substellar Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20 pc Census of 525 L, T, and Y Dwarfs

2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Gelino, Christopher R.; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Meisner, Aaron M.; Caselden, Dan; Schneider, Adam C.; Marocco, Federico; Cayago, Alfred J.; Smart, R.~L.; Eisenhardt, Peter R. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Meisner, Aaron M.; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Schneider, Adam C.; Caselden, Dan; Gagné, Jonathan; Kuchner, Marc J.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Casewell, Sarah L.; Debes, John H. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze

Characterization of the Very-low-mass Secondary in the GJ 660.1AB System

2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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The First Brown Dwarf/Planetary-mass Object in the 32 Orionis Group

2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
christian aganze
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