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Institute of Science Tokyo: Tokyo, Tokyo, JP

Source: Self-asserted source
Nakamaru Mayuko

Works (42)

The evolution of cooperation in the unidirectional division of labour on a tree network

Royal Society Open Science
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Md Sams Afif Nirjhor; Mayuko Nakamaru
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Heuristics Facilitates the Evolution of Transitive Inference and Social Hierarchy in a Large Group

Acta Biotheoretica
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazuto Doi; Mayuko Nakamaru
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The evolution of cooperation in the unidirectional division of labor on a tree network

2023-06-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Md Sams Afif Nirjhor; Mayuko Nakamaru
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The evolution of cooperation in the unidirectional linear division of labour of finite roles

Royal Society Open Science
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Md Sams Afif Nirjhor; Mayuko Nakamaru
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The evolution of cooperation in the unidirectional linear division of labour of finite roles

2022-07-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Md Sams Afif Nirjhor; Mayuko Nakamaru
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Ecological features benefiting sustainable harvesters in socio-ecological systems: a case study of Swiftlets in Malaysia

Ecological Applications
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, Mayuko; Onuma, Ayumi
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Heuristics facilitates the evolution of transitive inference and social hierarchy in a large group

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Doi, Kazuto; Nakamaru, Mayuko
Source: check_circle
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Preservation of the value of rice paddy fields: Investigating how to prevent farmers from abandoning the fields by means of evolutionary game theory

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Joung Hun Lee; Ryo Yamaguchi; Hiroyuki Yokomizo; Mayuko Nakamaru
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The effect of sanctions on the evolution of cooperation in linear division of labor

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2018 | Journal article
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The coevolution of transitive inference and memory capacity in the hawk–dove game

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazuto Doi; Mayuko Nakamaru
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Large group size promotes the evolution of cooperation in the mutual-aid game

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2018-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Hayato Shimura; Mayuko Nakamaru
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Reciprocity and exclusion in informal financial institutions: An experimental study of rotating savings and credit associations

2018-08-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Shimpei Koike; ManMohan S. Sodhi; Mayuko Nakamaru; Tokinao Otaka; Hajime Shimao; Ken-Ichi Shimomura; Takehiko Yamato
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Ecological conditions favoring non-dispersal under environmental disturbance in the colony-based mode

Japanese Journal of Ecology (Otsu)
2017 | Journal article
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A model for gossip-mediated evolution of altruism with various types of false information by speakers and assessment by listeners

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2016 | Journal article
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Evolution of costly explicit memory and cumulative culture

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2016-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Mayuko Nakamaru
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Ecological Conditions Favoring Budding in Colonial Organisms under Environmental Disturbance

Plos One
2014 | Journal article
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How intergenerational interaction affects attitude–behavior inconsistency

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2014 | Journal article
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The Effect of Ostracism and Optional Participation on the Evolution of Cooperation in the Voluntary Public Goods Game

Plos One
2014 | Journal article
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Strict or Graduated Punishment? Effect of Punishment Strictness on the Evolution of Cooperation in Continuous Public Goods Games

Plos One
2013 | Journal article
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How inconsistency between attitude and behavior persists through cultural transmission

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2011 | Journal article
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The evolution of altruism by costly punishment in lattice-structured populations: score-dependent viability versus score-dependent fertility

Evolutionary Ecology Research
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, M; Iwasa, Y
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Anti-social punishment can prevent the co-evolution of punishment and cooperation

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2010 | Journal article
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Evolution of cooperation in rotating indivisible goods game

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Koike, Shimpei; Nakamaru, Mayuko; Tsujimoto, Masahiro
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The Sometimes Evitable Route to Conservatism and Persuasiveness A Reply to Xue and Costopoulos

Current Anthropology
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Ghirlanda, Stefano; Acerbi, Alberto; Enquist, Magnus; Nakamaru, Mayuko
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Effect of the presence of empty sites on the evolution of cooperation by costly punishment in spatial games

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2009 | Journal article
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Runaway selection for cooperation and strict-and-severe punishment

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2009 | Journal article
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Corrigendum to “The coevolution of altruism and punishment: Role of the selfish punisher”

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2007 | Journal article
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Does disturbance favor dispersal? An analysis of ant migration using the colony-based lattice model

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2007 | Journal article
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Cultural evolution develops its own rules - The rise of conservatism and persuasion

Current Anthropology
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Ghirlanda, Stefano; Enquist, Magnus; Nakamaru, Mayuko
Source: check_circle
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Lattice models in ecology and social sciences

Ecological Research
2006 | Journal article
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The coevolution of altruism and punishment: Role of the selfish punisher

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2006 | Journal article
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Evolution of rumours that discriminate lying defectors

Evolutionary Ecology Research
2004 | Journal article
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Spread of two linked social norms on complex interaction networks

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2004 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, M; Levin, SA
Source: check_circle
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Can transitive inference evolve in animals playing the hawk-dove game?

Journal of Theoretical Biology
2003 | Journal article
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Extinction risk to bird populations caused by DDT exposure

2003 | Journal article
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Extinction risk to herring gull populations from DDT exposure (vol 21, pg 195, 2002)

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2003 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, M; Iwasa, Y; Nakanishi, J
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Extinction risk to herring gull populations from DDT exposure

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, M; Iwasa, Y; Nakanishi, J
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Competition by Allelopathy Proceeds in Traveling Waves: Colicin-Immune Strain Aids Colicin-Sensitive Strain

Theoretical Population Biology
2000 | Journal article
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Estimate of population extinction risk and its application to ecological risk management

Population Ecology
2000 | Journal article
Contributors: Iwasa, Y; Hakoyama, H; Nakamaru, M; Nakanishi, J
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Allelopathy of bacteria in a lattice population: Competition between colicin-sensitive and colicin-producing strains

Evolutionary Ecology
1998 | Journal article
Contributors: Iwasa, Y; Nakamaru, M; Levin, SA
Source: check_circle
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Score-dependent Fertility Model for the Evolution of Cooperation in a Lattice

Journal of Theoretical Biology
1998 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
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The evolution of cooperation in a lattice-structured population

Journal of Theoretical Biology
1997 | Journal article
Contributors: Nakamaru, M; Matsuda, H; Iwasa, Y
Source: check_circle
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Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Nature human behaviour. (1)