Personal information
Graduated in Marine Biology in 2002 - University of Lisbon
PhD in Marine Biology in 2007 - University of Lisbon
Researcher at MARE - University of Lisbon - 2002-2019
Currently: Professor at University of Algarve.
Researcher at CCMAR.
I am a research group leader and a professor. I study the effects of environmental change on marine organisms, populations and food webs, from the sub-cellular to the whole-animal level, and complex trophic networks. My recent investigation has focused mostly on the effects of warming on coastal organisms and their vulnerability status, across different biogeographic regions, from tropical to sub-arctic environments.
I led four projects in the past: WarmingWebs, BioPlume, CoralSol and LifeLines, all dealing with the effects of global change (chronic warming, acute warming and extreme droughts) on coastal species and how that will potentially affect the food webs where they live.
I published 130 scientific articles, my H-factor is 35 and I have been cited over 4000 times.
I supervised 6 successful PhD students and numerous Masters students and interns.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (15)
CNPq 400614/2014-6