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Electrochemical technology, Photolysis, Photoelectrocatalysis, Hybrid system, Active species, Organi


Elisama Vieira dos Santos (Santa Cruz, Brazil) obtained her PhD in Chemistry (2015) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). She has conducted a research experience in the Electrochemical & Environmental Engineering Lab at the Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha (Spain, 2014) under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Andres Rodrigo, evaluating pesticides decontamination of wastewaters and soils by using electrochemical oxidation and electrokinetic remediation, respectively. In 2016, she joined at the UFRN as Associate Professor in Chemistry. Her research mainly focuses on electrokinetic remediation, electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (electrochemical remediation, photo-electrolysis, renewable energies driven electrochemical technologies) as well as the construction of electrochemical-sensors and electroanalytical techniques for detecting heavy metals and organic compounds in real samples. She is author and co-author of more than 90 scientific publications, including 2 conference books, 04 book chapters, 56 papers in peer-reviewed international scientific periodicals (h index: 19), 2 papers in national scientific periodicals, more than 40 contributions in conference proceedings and a co-inventor of 2 patents, receiving 4 prizes in total. She participated in different sponsored projects (01 international, 05 national and 02 contracts with private companies). She has mentored 06 Master students, 04 Ph.D. students, and 02 Postdoctoral researchers. In 2016, she was awarded by UNESCO and the L'Oréal Foundation with the important prize “Women in Science”, regarding her relevant scientific contributions and developments on environmental protection. In 2020, she was awarded by ISE-Elsevier Prize for Green Electrochemistry.
She has participated as a committee member in international conferences on environmental electrochemistry and engineering, delivering 20 plenary/keynote/invited lectures at international conferences and scientific institutions. She is currently associate editor on Quimica Nova journal (Brazilian Chemical Society) and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Chemical Engineering at UFRN.


Employment (1)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte: Natal, RN, BR

2016-01-19 to present | Profesora (School of Science and Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Education and qualifications (1)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte: Natal, RN, BR

2016-01-19 to present | Doctor/ Profesora (School of Science and Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Funding (5)

Barreiras Reativas Permeáveis usando Grânulos de Cortiça para Remediação de Solos Contaminados com Hidrocarbonetos

2018-04 to 2019-12 | Grant
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Natal, BR)

FCT/CAPES - 2018/2019

Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Descontaminação de solos contaminados com pesticidas e metais pesados por remediação eletrocinética acoplados aos Processos Oxidativos Avançados

2016-10 to 2017-10 | Award
For women in science (L'Óreal , BR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Tratamento eletroquímico de contaminantes emergentes (pesticidas e fármacos) mediante a produção in-situ de espécies fortemente oxidantes usando tecnologias eletroquímicas.

2016-08 to 2019-08 | Grant
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, BR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Almacenamiento Sostenible de Energía mediante el Ciclo Híbrido termoelectroquímico de Azufre Mejorado con membranas PBI

Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Ciudad Real, ES)
Part of GRANT_NUMBER: Programa europeo H2020
Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

INCT 2014: Instituto Nacional de Tecnologias Alternativas para Detecção, Avaliação Toxicológica e Remoção de Micropoluentes e Radioativos

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasilia, BR)


Source: Self-asserted source
Dos Santos, E.V

Peer review (8 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for Applied catalysis. (1)
Review activity for Chemical engineering journal. (2)
Review activity for Chemosphere. (4)
Review activity for Environmental pollution (1)