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Works (8)

Alien flora of Nigeria: taxonomy, biogeography, habitats, and ecological impacts

Biological Invasions
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Israel T. Borokini; Alessandra Kortz; Quadri A. Anibaba; Arne Witt; Emmanuel I. Aigbokhan; Martin Hejda; Petr Pyšek
Source: check_circle

Biological invasions in World Heritage Sites: current status and a proposed monitoring and reporting framework

Biodiversity and Conservation
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Ross T. Shackleton; Bastian Bertzky; Louisa E. Wood; Nancy Bunbury; Heinke Jäger; Remco van Merm; Christian Sevilla; Kevin Smith; John R. U. Wilson; Arne B. R. Witt et al.
Source: check_circle

First record of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) on Socotra Island (Yemen), an exotic pest with high potential for adverse economic impacts

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne Witt; Vladimir Hula; Ahmed Saeed Suleiman; Kay Van Damme
Source: check_circle

Mimosa pigra in eastern and southern Africa: Distribution and socio‐ecological impacts

Austral Ecology
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne B.R. Witt; Kelvin S. Floyd; Winnie Nunda; Tim Beale; Griffin Shanungu; Darren J. Kriticos
Source: check_circle

A preliminary assessment of the presence and distribution of invasive and potentially invasive alien plant species in Laikipia County, Kenya, a biodiversity hotspot

KOEDOE - African Protected Area Conservation and Science
2020-09-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne B.R. Witt; Winnie Nunda; Tim Beale; Darren J. Kriticos
Source: check_circle

A preliminary analysis of the costs and benefits of the biological control agent Dactylopius opuntiae on Opuntia stricta in Laikipia County, Kenya

2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne B. R. Witt; Winnie Nunda; Fernadis Makale; Kathryn Reynolds
Source: check_circle

Distribution of Mimosa diplotricha in eastern and southern Africa and its socioecological impacts in northern Malawi

Bothalia, African Biodiversity & Conservation
2020-07-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne Witt; Lilian Chimphepo; Tim Beale; Winnie Nunda
Source: check_circle

Distribution of invasive alien Tithonia (Asteraceae) species in eastern and southern Africa and the socio-ecological impacts of T. diversifolia in Zambia

2019-01-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne B.R. Witt; Ross T. Shackleton; Tim Beale; Winnie Nunda; Brian W. Van Wilgen
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for PLoS neglected tropical diseases (1)