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Works (28)

Acute appendicitis over the age of 50: The evaluation of the impact of clinical variables on operative and post-operative outcomes

Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Buldanli, Mehmet Zeki; Ucaner, Burak; ciftci, Mehmet Sabri; Kesikli, Sacit Altug
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Injury mechanisms and injury severity scores as determinants of urban terrorism-related thoracoabdominal injuries

Turkish Journal of Surgery
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Ozturk, Aykut; Senocak, Rahman; Kaymak, Sahin; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Celik, Suleyman Utku; Zeybek, Nazif
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Perioperative outcomes of the patients treated using laparoscopic cholecystectomy after emergent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for bile duct stones: Does timing matter?

Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Senocak, Rahman; Celik, Suleyman Utku; Kaymak, Sahin; Hancerliogullari, Oguz
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Prognostic parameters in recurrent colorectal cancer: A role of control or restaging by FDG-PET/CT

Vojnosanitetski Pregled
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Okuyucu, Kursat; Ince, Semra; Peker, Subutay; Arslan, Nuri
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Conventional versus endoscopic components separation technique: New anthropometric calculation for selection of surgical approach

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Peker, Yasar Subutay; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Can, Mehmet Fatih; Demirbas, Sezai
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Effects of weapon types, interventions, and transport times on complications in combat injuries to musculoskeletal system

Northern Clinics of Istanbul
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Senocak, Rahman; Tas, Huseyin; Ureyen, Orhan; Kaymak, Sahin; Hancerliogullari, Oguz
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Heterotopic mesenteric and omental ossification incidentally found in a patient with multiple abdominal surgical operations because of gunshot injury

Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Celik, Suleyman Utku; Senocak, Rahman; Hancerliogullari, Oguz
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An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME)

Colorectal Disease
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Minaya-Bravo, Aneel Bhangu Ana Maria; Gallo, Gaetano; Glasbey, James C.; Kamarajah, Sivesh; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Pinkney, Thomas; El-Hussana, Alaa
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Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit

Colorectal Disease
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Glasbey, James C.; Blanco-Colino, Ruth; Kelly, Michael; Singh, Baljit; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Bhangu, Aneel; Pinkney, Thomas; Poskus, Tomas
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Clinical and prognostic significance of preoperative and postoperative neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/ lymphocyte ratio in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery

Gulhane Medical Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Oğuz Hançerlioğulları; Şahin Kaymak; Kürşat Okuyucu; Semra İnce; Rahman Şenocak; Murat Urkan; İsmail Hakkı Özerhan
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Contribution of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) imaging in the detection of underlying carcinoma in a woman with nonspecific mastitis

Vojnosanitetski Pregled
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Ince, Semra; Senocak, Rahman; Ilgan, Seyfettin; Arslan, Nuri
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Evaluating the incidence of pathological complete response in current international rectal cancer practice: the barriers to widespread safe deferral of surgery

Colorectal Disease
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Battersby, Nick; Glasbey, James C.; Neary, Peter; Negoi, Ionut; Kamarajah, Sivesh; Sgro, Alessandro; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Bhangu, Aneel; Pinkney, Thomas; Frasson, Matteo
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Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis after endoscopic balloon dilatation

Cukurova Medical Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Kaymak, Sahin; Senocak, Rahman; Can, Mehmet Fatih
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Retrospective analysis of patients with relapsed or refractory germ cell tumors treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Gulhane Medical Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: İsmail Ertürk; Birol Yıldız; Nuri Karadurmuş; Betül Tosun; Ramazan Esen; Zeki Gökhan Sürmeli; Bahadır Başgöz; Şükrü Özaydın; Oğuz Hançerlioğulları; Yüksel Ürün et al.
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Safety of primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre prospective audit

Colorectal Disease
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Sanchez-Guillen, Luis; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Sivrikoz, Emre; van Elst, Tim; Minaya, Ana; Pata, Francesco; Glasbey, James; Pinkney, Thomas; Bhangu, Aneel
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Superior mesenteric venous thrombosis combined with portal and splenic thrombosis in an elderly patient successfully treated with anticoagulation alone

Cukurova Medical Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Senocak, Rahman; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Urkan, Murat; Can, Mehmet Fatih; Simsek, Abdurrahman
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The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery: an international, multicentre prospective audit

Colorectal Disease
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Glasbey, James; van der Pool, Anne; Rawlings, Alexandra; Sanchez-Guillen, Luis; Kuiper, Sara; Negoi, Ionut; Buchs, Nicolas; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Pinkney, Thomas; Bhangu, Aneel
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Trauma Survey of 476 Doctors: Now We know What We Do not know

Panamerican Journal of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Aytekin Ünlü; Murat Urkan; Patrizio Petrone; Sahin Kaymak; Emin Lapsekili; Pelin Ozmen; Soner Yilmaz; Corrado P Marini; Oguz Hancerliogu; Umit Alakus et al.
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Clinical significance of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in the follow-up of colorectal cancer: searching off approaches increasing specificity for detection of recurrence

Radiology and Oncology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Ince, Semra; Okuyucu, Kursat; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Alagoz, Engin; San, Huseyin; Arslan, Nuri
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Precocious Brain Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer: A Report of Two Cases

Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Şahin Kaymak; Oğuz Hançerlioğulları; Mehmet İnce; Hüseyin Sinan; Sezai Demirbaş
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The Time Has Come to Rethink our Mass Casualty Preparedness Level in Response to Terrorist Attacks: Initial Contribution from the Department of War Surgery in Gulhane Military Medical Academy

Erciyes Tıp Dergisi/Erciyes Medical Journal
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Unlu, Aytekin; Kaymak, Sahin; Urkan, Murat; Ozmen, Pelin; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Zeybek, Nazif
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Comparison of five different popular scoring systems to predict nonsentinel lymph node status in patients with metastatic sentinel lymph nodes: a tertiary care center experience

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Yildiz, Ramazan; Urkan, Murat; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Kilbas, Zafer; Ozturk, Erkan; Mentes, Mustafa Oner; Gorgulu, Semih
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Our Three Year Clinical Experience at Appendiceal Incidental Neoplasms and Management of Appendicial Tumors

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Hançerlioğullari O; Kahraman Sd; Peker YS
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Increasing Risk Over Time: Delayed Spleen Rupture After Trauma

Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Meral, Ulvi Mehmet; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Ilica, Ahmet Turan; Salman, Necati
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Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast: a case report and literature review

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Erdinc Kamer; Oğuz Hancerliogullari; Ayşegul Akder Sari; Ilker Kiziloglu; Mustafa Peskersoy
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2-[18f]-Fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography in the evaluation of breast lesions and axillary involvement: a comparison with mammography and histopathological diagnosis

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Arslan, Nuri; Gorgulu, Semih; Can, Mehmet Fatih; Eke, Hanife Asli Ayan; Ince, Semra; Ozturk, Erkan; Yildiz, Ramazan; Ozguven, Mehmet Ali
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Can [F-18] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography replace sentinel lymph node biopsy for the detection of axillary metastases in patients with early-stage breast cancer?

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Gorgulu, Semih; Can, Mehmet Fatih; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Arslan, Nuri; Ozturk, Erkan; Ozturk, Emel; Balkan, Muejdat; Tufan, Turgut
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Multicenter prospective randomized trial comparing modified Limberg flap transposition and Karydakis flap reconstruction in patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease

The American Journal of Surgery
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Can, Mehmet Fatih; Sevinc, Mert Mahsuni; Hancerliogullari, Oguz; Yilmaz, Mehmet; Yagci, Gokhan
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