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I am Ph. D. in Biology at Animal Physiology by the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain) with unanimously "Cum Laude". During this stage I have gone completing my education with multiple courses in different fields, focusing mainly on pharmacology, molecular biology and genetics. I have owned several Predoctoral projects and contracts associated to gransts, completing successfully the goals outlined in each project. Likewise I have enjoyed several stays at reference centers in the Spanish scientific research that allowed me to continue my postdoctoral training, without neglecting training courses, workshops and seminars expertise continuously. As reflected in my CV I have a broad and extensive scientific career according to my age. I am first author of scientific articles published in magazines high impact located in the first quartile, indicanting their scientific quality along the years. I have also been involved and I have contributed to many research projects ranging from field of endocrinology, neurosciences and vascular tissue. I have special interest in the transfer of results in science, a clear examples is the granting of a national patent and multiple participation in national and international conferences. Likewise, and with over the years, I have developed the teaching in parallel with postdoctoral training at the University of Seville in Departament of Medical Physiology and Biophysics Department since March 1, 2011; to which I am associated. In point of fact I have tutored students final college career, master and thesis in recent years. Recently, I have been accredited as an assistant PhD professor from the ANECA (National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation). I am currently working as a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at Biomedical Research Center-BMRC at University of East Anglia (UK) since July 17, 2017. I have completed teacher training with educational qualification course which enables me for teaching, and I have received multiple courses and seminars in teacher training. In this connection, I have had two scholarships to extracurricular activities in public libraries centers in Tenerife with a total of over 700 hours.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (3)
Works (21)