Personal information

Molecular microbiology, Food microbiology, Science Communication, Science Outreach, STEAM education


Employment (9)

Dundalk Institute of Technology: Dundalk, Louth, IE

2013-09 to present | Lecturer (Applied Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

University College Dublin: Dublin, IE

2008-09-01 to 2013-08-01 | Education and Outreach Manager (CLARITY- research centre)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Waterford Institute of Technology: Waterford, Leinster, IE

2008-04 to 2008-08 | Science Communication Officer (CALMAST- Centre for the Advancement of Learning in Maths, Science and Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Dublin Institute of Technology: Dublin, Dublin, IE

2007-04 to 2008-04 | Postdoctoral Fellow (School of Food Science and Environmental Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Teagasc Food Research Centre Ashtown: Ashtown, Dublin, IE

2005-12 to 2007-02 | Research Officer (Food Safety)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Dublin City University: Dublin, IE

2005-09 to 2005-12 (Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

McMaster University: Hamilton, Ontario, CA

2004-08 to 2005-07 | Postdoctoral researcher (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

National University of Ireland Galway: Galway, Connaght, IE

2001-09 to 2004-07 | Postdoctoral researcher (Microbiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Murdoch University: Perth, Western Australia, AU

2000-06-06 to 2001 | Australian/European Research Fellow (Biotechnology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Education and qualifications (5)

Dundalk Institute of Technology: Dundalk, Louth, IE

2017-09-01 to present | Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Irish Board of Speech and Drama: Dublin , Leinster, IM

2009-04-01 to 2012-04-01 | Licentiate in Speech and Drama
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Dublin City University: Dublin, Leinster, IE

2006-09-01 to 2008-06-02 | MSc. Science Communication (Communications)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

University College Dublin: Dublin, Leinster, IE

1990-10-01 to 2004-06-01 | BSc. Science (Industrial Microbiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

University College Dublin: Dublin, Leinster, IE

1995-09-01 to 2000-06-01 | PhD (Industrial Microbiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Funding (3)

Steam Education

2017-05 to 2017-06 | Award
Dundalk Institute of Technology (Dundalk, IE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

The development of molecular methods to determine the antimicrobial effects of thyme oil against Escherichia coli

2014-05 to 2014-06 | Award
Dundalk Institute of Technology (Dundalk, IE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Development of a reporter gene system for the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi, a causative agent of dieback disease

2001-06 to 2001-06 | Award
Australian European Award (Canberra, AU)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Works (15)

Using photovoice to engage students in a non-major microbiology course

Access Microbiology
2024-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bridget G. Kelly
Source: check_circle

Using Photovoice to engage students in a non-major microbiology course

2024-05-03 | Preprint
Contributors: Bridget Kelly
Source: check_circle

Using Photovoice to engage students in a non-major microbiology course

2024-02-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Bridget Kelly
Source: check_circle

Pedagogy collection: a new innovative teaching and outreach toolkit launched by Access Microbiology

Access Microbiology
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Georgios Efthimiou; Sean Goodman; Bridget G. Kelly; Melissa M. Lacey
Source: check_circle

Reflections on the Teaching Symposium at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2023

2023-09-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Melissa M Lacey; Kirsty L Jones; Monika Gostić; Victoria Easton; Georgios Efthimiou; Bridget G Kelly; Alison I Graham
Source: check_circle

Reflections on the Teaching Symposium at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2023

Access Microbiology
2023-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Melissa M. Lacey; Kirsty L. Jones; Monika Gostić; Victoria Easton; Georgios Efthimiou; Bridget G. Kelly; Alison I. Graham
Source: check_circle

Reflections on the Teaching Symposium at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2023

2023-07-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Melissa M Lacey; Kirsty L Jones; Monika Gostić; Victoria Easton; Georgios Efthimiou; Bridget G Kelly; Alison I Graham
Source: check_circle

Development of a postgraduate module in communications and outreach

The Future of Education Conference Proceedings
2011 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Reaching out: a postgraduate module in outreach in communications

EdTech Conference
2011 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Training postgraduate students in communication and outreach

Learning Innovation Network
2011 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Extrinsic control parameters for ozone inactivation of Escherichia coli using a bubble column

Journal of Applied Microbiology
2009 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Horizontal gene transfer of virulence determinants in selected bacterial foodborne pathogens

Food and Chemical Toxicology
2009 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

The effects of acid adaptation on Escherichia coli inactivation using power ultrasound

Food Science and Emerging Technologies
2009 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

The role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of selected bacterial foodborne pathogens”

Food and Chemical Toxicology
2009 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Isocitrate lyase of the facultative intracellular pathogen Rhodococcus equi

2002 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Bridget Kelly

Peer review (3 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Access microbiology. (3)