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I am a PhD candidate at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. Specifically, I am part of the working group Governance of Ecosystem Services led by Bettina Matzdorf. My research interests include choice modelling by using Discrete Choice Experiments and analysing farmer behavior through the application of experimental economics.
Being formerly trained in Economics (B.Sc. and M.Sc.), I enjoy working empirically by applying most up to date statistical methods. While studying Ecological Economics (M.Sc.) at Edinburgh University, I became more familiar with qualitative approaches to improve stakeholder engagement in the environmental sphere. Thus, in my current research activities I combine my quantitative skill set with trans-disciplinary-participatory approaches.
While presently being based in Müncheberg (Germany), I was fortunate to spent parts of my academic education in Mexico, Canada and the UK. During my stays abroad I developed a passion for intercultural exchange and constantly widened my approaches to conduct research. For that reason being, I consider myself a strong advocate of trans-disciplinary research.