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Viktor Jakupec is honorary professor at Potsdam University, Deakin University and formerly Malawi University of Science and Technology, and a leading international expert on educational reforms and development/foreign aid policies. He holds a Dr. habil. from Giessen University, Dr..phil. from FU Hagen and a Masters of Education from James Cook University.
He worked as an education consultant and team leader in developed and developing countries in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Caucasus for ADB, IFC, WB, MCC, EU, ETF and various government funded education projects.
His current research focused on development aid related areas: politics, political economy analysis, multilateralism and impact assessment in development aid.
He is member of Leibniz Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, the International Society for Development and Sustainability, and Arbeitskreis für Internationale Politische Ökonomie of the German Association of Political Science.
He has published and edited ten scholarly books and has authored over 40 book chapters and over 50 scholarly articles. His most recent publications include: 'COVID-19 and Foreign Aid: Nationalism and Global Development in a New World Order' (Routledge 2022), 'Rethinking Multilateralism in Foreign Aid: Beyond the Neoliberal Hegemony' (Routledge 2020); 'Foreign Aid in the Age of Populism: Political Economy Analysis from Washington to Beijing' (Routledge, 2019); 'Die Auswirkungen des Rechtspopulismus auf soziale, politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen des Bildungswesens' (Trafo Verlag 2019); 'Development Aid – Populism and the End of the Neoliberal Agenda' (Springer 2017); and 'Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid: Value for Money and Aid for Trade' (Academic Press, 2016). He is also an editorial board member of a number of scholarly journals.