Personal information
Experienced in data analysis and research – PhD in adult/science education. Specialised in educational statistics. Extensive experience with MS Excel, SPSS, LISREL, SAS and R statistical analysis packages. Research experience involves survey and scale development, along with pre- and post-test control group design development, analysis project design, setup and delivery. Statistical analysis knowledge includes: explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis, measurement of validity and reliability scales, parametric and non-parametric analyses, and content analysis. Highly experienced in terms of writing academic papers.
Experienced project manager with good stakeholder management skills – Project director experience for three years. Project team member experience for five years. Coordinated and worked with scientists from 21 different disciplines, in-service teachers, master and PhD students. Led to the project team within project proposals, budget management, writing project reports and academic papers.
Visiting researcher at the University of Waikato during the 2011-2012 academic year, as part of Turkish Science Foundation-funded project looking at curricula of three outdoor education centres in New Zealand. Tasks involved interviews, retrieval and analysis of data obtained about programmes run by the different centres (e.g. participant demographics, level of education, length of programme attended etc.).
Ongoing interest in expanding statistical analysis skills – Adjunct data analysis supervisor at Turkish university. I use MS Excel and SPSS regularly when reviewing the work submitted by masters- and doctorate-level students. My personal academic research on outdoor education and scale design involves regular usage of Excel, SAS, SPSS, LISREL, and R.
Mentoring experiences – Mentoring master and PhD students in terms of statistical analysis and writing their theses.
Project Advisor
2022- Present Adaptation and validation of ecological intelligence scale in Italy. (Project researcher: Maria Ermelinda De Carlo, Lecturer in Experimental Pedagogy, University of Perugia, Italy.)
2022- Present Adaptation and validation of ecoliteracy scale in Philippines. (Project researcher: Earl William P. Ortiz, Metro Manila College, Philippines)
2020-2022 Multidimensional intelligences model as a protector factor for the coming out process: Evaluation the role of body intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence and ecological intelligence in the coming out of the LGB persons. (Caleb Esteban, Assistant Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Ponce Health Sciences University, Puerto Rico)