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Lexical Approach, lexical chunks, building blocks, mindset, English, language teaching


Today I work successfully with companies and cooperation partners to show that learning English does not have to be "rocket science".

This is how it happened:

Born in Vienna in 1986, I started learning English playfully at the age of five with an American student.
During my school years, the English language became my passion.
So, I decided to study English Language and Linguistics at the University of Vienna.
During my studies I worked as a private tutor and at various language schools.
In the same period my fascination with the Building Block System (Lexical Approach) began.
In 2010 I completed my "Certificate for English Language Teaching to Adults" (CELTA) training.
In 2011, the "Trinity Certificate for International Business English Training" followed.
In 2013, I completed my Master's degree at the Institute of English & American Studies and founded EPIC Training.
In 2014 I became an external lecturer for Business English in the study program International Business Relations at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland.
In 2015 I started my cooperation with Akademie Burgenland.
In 2017 I started to develop my specialization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics through the "Certificate in Logistics" of CILT Ireland.
In 2022 I successfully defended my PhD dissertation with focus on the practical application and the benefits of the Building Block System in adult education.


Employment (2)

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland: Eisenstadt, AT

2014 to present | Business English Lecturer (Department of Economics / International Business Relations)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

EPIC Training: Maria Enzersdorf, AT

2013 to present | Founder/CEO (Business English Training)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

Education and qualifications (5)

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland: Eisenstadt, AT

2019 to 2022 | PhD Education and Communication Sciences (Centre for Doctoral Programmes)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

CILT Ireland The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Ireland: Dublin, IE

2018 | Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

University of Vienna: Vienna, AT

2013 | MA English Language and Linguistics (Department of English Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

Trinity College London: London, GB

2012 | Certificate in International Business English Training
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, GB

2010 | Certificate for English Language Teaching to Adults
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Tinkel