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Works (4)

Engineering multi-degrading bacterial communities to bioremediate soils contaminated with pesticides residues

2024-02-13 | Preprint
Contributors: Sylvia Thieffry; Julie Aubert; Marion Devers-Lamrani; Fabrice Martin-Laurent; Sana Romdhane; Nadine Rouard; Mathieu Siol; Aymé Spor
Source: check_circle

EggLib 3: A python package for population genetics and genomics

Molecular Ecology Resources
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathieu Siol; Thomas Coudoux; Sébastien Ravel; Stéphane De Mita
Source: check_circle

Soil microbes drive the effect of plant species and genotypic diversity interaction on productivity.

Plant and Soil
2021-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Tiffany Raynaud; Barbara Pivato; Mathieu Siol; Aymé Spor; Manuel Blouin
Source: check_circle

Adaptive introgression from maize has facilitated the establishment of teosinte as a noxious weed in Europe

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2020-10-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Valérie Le Corre; Mathieu Siol; Yves Vigouroux; Maud I. Tenaillon; Christophe Délye
Source: check_circle