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Jaehyun Park is an Associate Professor, focusing on Service Design and Social Innovation in the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was an Associate Professor in the Design and Architecture Department at Kyoto Institute of Technology and a Specially Assigned Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His academic disciplines have transformed three inter-related studies among Arts & Design, Management, and Technology. He received two Bachelor Degrees (Painting and Visual Communication Design) from Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. He studied User-Centered Design and Planning during his master at the Institute of Design of Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, the United States. He obtained his PhD in Information Systems (IS) from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, the United States.
As a socio-technical researcher by a view of social construction, Dr Park’s research interest and contributions are condensed into three genres as interdisciplinary studies: (1) UX & Service Design, Entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking; (2) Smart Tourism, Smart Cities, and Smart Work; and (3) Digital Innovation. In particular, his research highlights exploring new interpretations of products, systems, and services, especially as they relate to the issue of human enterprise in design, innovation, and technology research. For successful business-design solutions, he believes that the most critical issue is to identify emerging relationships among business, design, and technology, and the human-centered approach is the core of identifying relationships for the successful design and innovations over time.
Dr Park’s works have been published in the premier international design, technology, innovation, and management Journals (e.g., Information & Management, IT & People, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Knowledge Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, and so on) and international conferences in Information Systems (IS), innovation, and design conferences (e.g., ICIS, AMCIS, PACIS, Desrist, ICED, and DRS). In addition, several research outcomes are now under reviews by multiple journals (e.g., JBE, IT&P, R&D management, and SIJ). Moreover, he has proposed diverse Journal special issues as a guest editor (e.g., I &M, Internet Research) and conference tracks as a chair (e.g., PACIS 2018~2020) to enhance how the design research can make impact within the disciplined research domains.
He has a strong belief—"the most human-centered design approach can lead the most social innovations. Also, it can be the he most profitable business”. Based on this belief, his research has conducted diverse interdisciplinary research projects to deliver the values of the customer-centered design and innovation with other multiple disciplined researchers in information systems, tourism & hospitality, and engineering. To increase qualified knowledge and practice in the design education, therefore, he has performed a series of experiments to rethink the roles of design and designers in the contexts of design, business, technology issues as the interdisciplinary educational programs, departments, and schools in Japan, United States, South Korea, China, UK, Egypt, and Peru.