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Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros
Professor Manuel Regueiro is BSc in Geology by the University Complutese of Madrid (1979) and Master in Leadership in Public Administration (2015).
He was from 2005 until 2021 the Chief of External Affairs and Communication of the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME). He has been full responsible in the international arena of the coordination of the contribution of IGME to the EU research programs and its cooperation with Latin-American and Africa, the representation of IGME in the Association of Mining and Geological Surveys of Latin-American (ASGMI) and in Association of European Geological Surveys (EuroGeosurveys), the signature of scientific cooperation memorandums of understanding with similar institutions all around the world, but specifically in Europe, Latin-America and north Africa. The active presence of IGME in international organisations (UNESCO, IUGS) and all the international events related with earth sciences. At a national level his works was focused in turning IGME in the reference centre in Earths Sciences in Spain, coordination of the national external relations of all the technical departments, establishing and coordinating the unitary use of IGME´s institutional image. He also accomplished several Strategic Communication Plans, the coordination with media, the promotion of IGME and its corporate image, the organisation of institutional activities, the development of communication products, the diffusion of IGME´s scientific and technical activities in national and international media and managing a team of technical and administrative staff. IGME´s Communication project “Más comunicación. Más IGME” received in 2019 the prize of the Latin-American network UGOB to the best digital institutional communication in the category of Administrations. Since 2016 he has combined those managerial activities with the coordination of H2020 projects (Minguide, Geoera, Orama and GIP-P as part of the Geoera). He has been the Principal Researcher (PR) of the only H2020 competitive Project coordinated by IGME in its whole history (INTERMIN). He has also been PR of contracts with the Commission (Minlex), and is PR of IGME in EIT Raw Materials projects (Briefcase of Minerals, 3DBriefcase), The Briefcase of Minerals has received the Science in Action prize in 2020. Before these responsibilities he has been previously working at IGME (from 1998) as a project manager and specialist in industrial minerals and rocks in the Industrial Minerals and Rocks Department of the Mineral Resources Division. From October 2021 he is Technical Advisor of the Vice-presidency of International Affairs in the National Research Council (CSIC).
Regueiro was from 1993 to 2013 Associated Professor of the Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy of the Faculty of Geology of the University Complutense of Madrid, where he lectured on subjects such as Mining Geology of 5th course of graduate in geology or Mineral Raw Materials of the 1st Course of Materials Engineering, Regional Mapping in the 3rd course of graduate in geology or Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources in the 4º course of geological engineering, He has a wide experience in most fields of professional geology, since he has worked in the cement and oil industries and in mining and geological engineering as well as in scientific research from direct field work to management of human and material resources:
• Empresa Nacional Adaro. Tin research
• Chevron Exploration of Spain. Uranium prospection
• Asland SA. Cement raw materials
• Anadrill Schlumberger. Oil exploration
• Law Engineering Ibérica. Geological Engineering
• Dpt. de Crystallography and Mineralogy. UCM Associated Professor
• Geological Survey of Spain (IGME) Industrial Minerals & Rocks/Chief of External Affairs and Communication.
• National Research Council (CSIC). Vice-presidency of International Affairs
In his editorial side he is author or co-author of 12 books, 100 papers in specialized magazines in Spain and all over the world on very varied subjects from mineral resources to geological hazards and geological heritage. He has also written 12 memories of the Spanish Geological Map (mineral resources section) and the industrial minerals and rocks maps. He is currently member of the following magazines editorial boards:
• Geological and Mining Bulletin (Boletín Geológico y Minero) published by the IGME (Assistant Editor) (until 2021)
• Environment, Development and Sustainability. Kluwer Academic Publishers (The Netherlands)
• National Geographic (Spanish Edition). RBA Ediciones.
• Natural Stone (Piedra Natural). Spanish Stone Federation
• Roc Maquina. Elsevier.
• Boletín de Geología of the Universidad Industrial of Santander (Colombia)
In 1997 he founded the journal European Geologist published by the European Federation of Geologists where he was editor of the first 10 issues until 2000. He has also presented more than 85 papers in various congress