Personal information
Welcome! My name is Song Wang (王松), an associate researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), in Beijing, China. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in 2014. I have been working at NAOC since graduation.
My research interests include: (1) Searching for and measuring stellar-mass black holes, mainly using radial velocity and astrometric methods. (2) Investigating stellar activity and the underlying dynamo mechanisms in diferent types of stars. (3) Studying tidal disruption events, focusing on their formation and evolution processes. (4) Examining the population synthesis and dynamical properties of globular clusters.
Here are some research topics we can explore together if you're interested:
(1) Special binary system.
> Full-Spectrum Sky Surveys: White dwarf + compact objects search
> Full-Spectrum Sky Surveys: Hot subdwarf + compact objects search (like Lan11)
> Full-Spectrum Sky Surveys: Ordinary star + compact objects search (like G3425)
> Full-Spectrum Sky Surveys: Metal-rich (Eu/Ba) super metal-rich star + compact objects search
> Special Evolutionary Stage Binary Stars (Spectroscopic): Hot WD/hsd with metal lines (like J1920-2001)
> Special Evolutionary Stage Binary Stars (Photometric): merger signal (like V1309 Sco)
> Search for abnormal photometric variability in compact-object accretion systems (like TW Pic/TV Col)
> Search for exoplanets around double compact binaries (double WD/double hsd, etc.)
> Orbital solution for large mass-ratio binaries (mainly EA/EB)
> Orbital solution for large sample of double WDs and WD binaries
(2) Stellar Activity and habitability.
> Commons and differences in activity across different types of stars
> Binary stellar activity: impact of tidal forces on activity? Ultra-short orbital periods, extreme eccentric orbits
> Giant activity: is the dynamo mechanism the same as for dwarfs?
> Search for stellar activity cycles
> Differences in activity cycles between binary and single stars
> The uniqueness of solar activity: comparison of activity levels with solar-like stars
> Solar activity evolution history: evolution of activity in solar-like stars with age
> Dwarf activity evolution: sample of wide-separation white dwarf binaries
> Dwarf activity evolution: sample of open/globular clusters
> Using X-ray and ultraviolet methods to construct concepts of stellar habitability
Besides astronomy, I am also interested in science fiction and science communication. I enjoy Chinese poetry, Japanese animation, and sports like badminton and football (though now only as a spectator).