Personal information

BioMEMS, Bioelectronics, Bio-Micro(nano)fluidics, Biosensors, Biomedical Microdevices, Lab on a Chip, Silicon-Neuron Interfaces, Neuroprosthetics
Hong Kong SAR China


Employment (1)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Hong Kong, HK

Associate Professor, Dept of Electronic & Computer Engineering; Associate Professor, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Works (50 of 145)

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High-Performance Gel-Free and Label-Free Size Fractionation of Extracellular Vesicles with Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis in a Microfluidic Artificial Sieve

Analytical Chemistry
2024-02-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Bu; Jinhui Wang; Sheng Ni; Zechen Lu; Yusong Guo; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Continuous-flow label-free size fractionation of extracellular vesicles through electrothermal fluid rolls and dielectrophoresis synergistically integrated in a microfluidic device

Lab on a Chip
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Bu; Jinhui Wang; Sheng Ni; Yusong Guo; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Sub-nL thin-film differential scanning calorimetry chip for rapid thermal analysis of liquid samples

Lab on a Chip
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Sheng Ni; Hanliang Zhu; Pavel Neuzil; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Accelerated Electrophoretic Focusing and Purification of DNA Based on Synchronous Coefficient of Drag Alteration

Analytical Chemistry
2023-11-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Bu; Sheng Ni; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Analyzing protein–protein interactions in rare cells using microbead-based single-molecule pulldown assay

Lab on a Chip
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Qirui Zhao; Yusheng Shen; Xiaofen Li; Fang Tian; Xiaojie Yu; Levent Yobas; Hyokeun Park; Yuanyuan Duan; Pingbo Huang
Source: check_circle

Ordered surface crack patterns in situ formed under confinement on fluidic microchannel boundaries in polydimethylsiloxane

Lab on a Chip
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Bu; Sheng Ni; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

A Sub-nL Chip Calorimeter and Its Application to the Measurement of the Photothermal Transduction Efficiency of Plasmonic Nanoparticles

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Sheng Ni; Yang Bu; Hangliang Zhu; Pavel Neuzil; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Electrokinetic oscillation, railing, and enrichment of submicron particles along 3D microelectrode tracks

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Stanley D. Kushigbor; Zili Tang; Yang Bu; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

A SiN Microcalorimeter and a Non-Contact Precision Method of Temperature Calibration

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Sheng Ni; Hanliang Zhu; Pavel Neuzil; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

The vision of point-of-care PCR tests for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Hanliang Zhu; Haoqing Zhang; Sheng Ni; Marie Korabečná; Levent Yobas; Pavel Neuzil
Source: check_circle

Heat transfer time determination based on DNA melting curve analysis

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hanliang Zhu; Huanan Li; Haoqing Zhang; Zdenka Fohlerova; Sheng Ni; Jaroslav Klempa; Imrich Gablech; Jaromir Hubalek; Honglong Chang; Levent Yobas et al.
Source: check_circle

Conductance Interplay in Ion Concentration Polarization across 1D Nanochannels: Microchannel Surface Shunt and Nanochannel Conductance

Analytical Chemistry
2020-01-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Zisun Ahmed; Yang Bu; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

A nanofluidic memristor based on ion concentration polarization

The Analyst
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Bu; Zisun Ahmed; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Railing cells along 3D microelectrode tracks for continuous-flow dielectrophoretic sorting

Lab on a Chip
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoxing Xing; Chun Ning Ng; Ming Lok Chau; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Label-Free Multiplexed Electrical Detection of Cancer Markers on a Microchip Featuring an Integrated Fluidic Diode Nanopore Array

ACS Nano
2018-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Lian Duan; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

A Low-Backpressure Single-Cell Point Constriction for Cytosolic Delivery Based on Rapid Membrane Deformations

Analytical Chemistry
2018-02-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoxing Xing; Yueyue Pan; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

On-chip hydrodynamic chromatography of DNA through centimeters-long glass nanocapillaries

The Analyst
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Lian Duan; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Continuous-Flow Electrophoresis of DNA and Proteins in a Two-Dimensional Capillary-Well Sieve

Analytical Chemistry
2017-09-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Lian Duan; Zhen Cao; Levent Yobas
Source: check_circle

Continuous-Flow Electrokinetic-Assisted Plasmapheresis by Using Three-Dimensional Microelectrodes Featuring Sidewall Undercuts

Analytical chemistry
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; He, Minghao; Qiu, Huihe; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Pressure driven liquid chromatography in self-enclosed glass microcapillaries integrated on silicon

2016 IEEE 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Shanghai
2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: Duan, Lian; Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Slowing DNA Translocation in a Nanofluidic Field-Effect Transistor

ACS nano
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

3D Silicon Electrodes with Built-in Glass Capillaries for Dielectrophoretic Single-Cell Positioning and Analysis

The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2015)
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Luo, Y.; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Shanghai, China
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Continuous-flow dielectrophoretic sorting of particles via 3D silicon electrodes featuring castellated sidewalls

Proceedings, IEEE micro electro mechanical systems
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Yobaş, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dielectrophoretic isolation of cells using 3D microelectrodes featuring castellated blocks

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Gel-Free Electrophoresis of DNA and Proteins on Chips Featuring a 70 nm Capillary-Well Motif

ACS nano
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies

Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies
2015 | Book chapter
Contributors: Franssila, Sami; Davis, Christina; LeVasseur, Michael; Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

High Performance Sieving of Biomolecules in a Capillary-Well Motif

18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2015)
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

In Vitro Epithelial Organoid Generation Induced by Substrate Nanotopography

Scientific Reports
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Shen, Yusheng; Hou, Youmin; Yao, Shuhuai; Huang, Pingbo; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mechanical characterization of microengineered epithelial cysts using atomic force microscopy

2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Shen, Yusheng; Guan, Dongshi; Serien, Daniela; Tong, Penger; Huang, Pingbo; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Microfluidic emulsification through a monolithic integrated glass micronozzle suspended inside a flow-focusing geometry

Applied physics letters
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Microfluidics and BioMEMS in Silicon

Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies
2015 | Book chapter
Contributors: Franssila, Sami; Davis, Cristina E.; LeVasseur, Michael K.; Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: Duan, Lian; Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

3D dielectrophoresis for effective cell manipulation through constrictions on a transparent substrate

The 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISSM 2014)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

A novel nanofluidic diode based on an asymmetric nanoslit array for label-free protein detection

18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014; Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center200 East Market StreetSan Antonio; United States,IEEE MEMS 2015
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Cell and Molecule Separation in 3D Microdevices

The 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISSM 2014)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dielectrophoretic (DEP) separation of live/dead cells on a glass slide functionalized with interdigitated 3D silicon ring microelectrodes

IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Fast DNA Sieving through Submicrometer Cylindrical Glass Capillary Matrix

Analytical chemistry
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Flow-through electroporation of mammalian cells in decoupled flow streams using microcapillaries

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Luo, Yuan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Forces acting on a particle in a concentration gradient under an externally applied oscillating electric field

Applied physics letters
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Luo, Yuan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

In vitro epithelial organoid generation induced by substrate nanotopography

International Symposium on Mechanobiology (ISMB 2014)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Shen, Yusheng; Huang, Pingbo; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Induced Hydraulic Pumping on Microchips through Monolithic Integration of Self-enclosed Cylindrical Submicron Capillaries

6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems, Singapore
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Induced hydraulic pumping via integrated submicrometer cylindrical glass capillaries

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Label-free enumeration of colorectal cancer cells from lymphocytes performed at a high cell-loading density by using interdigitated ring-array microelectrodes

Biosensors & bioelectronics
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Xing, Xiaoxing; Poon, Randy Yat Choi; Wong, Cesar; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Label-Free Specific Detection of Femtomolar Cardiac Troponin Using an Integrated Nanoslit Array Fluidic Diode

Nano letters
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Microcapillary-coupled flow-through AC electroporation microdevice

The 5th international conference on Advances in Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Luo, Yuan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Microfluidic-based metal enhanced fluorescence for capillary electrophoresis by Ag nanorod arrays

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiao, Chenyu; Cao, Zhen; Deng, Junhong; Huang, Zhifeng; Xu, Zheng; Fu, Junxue; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

On-chip generation of monodispersed emulsions independent of surface wettability through a suspended glass micronozzle

The 4th International Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (AMN 2014)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Liu, Yifan; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Silicon-based microsystems: from cells to molecules

The 25th Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Workshop (MME 2014)
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Fast DNA sieving through self-enclosed submicron glass capillary segments

The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2013), Freiburg, Germany
2013 | Conference paper
Contributors: Cao, Zhen; Yobas, Levent
Source: check_circle
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Items per page:
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Peer review (8 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for ACS nano. (2)
Review activity for ACS sensors. (1)
Review activity for Advanced materials. (1)
Review activity for Microsystems & nanoengineering. (4)