Personal information
Dr. Serge Alain SADEUH MBA holds a PhD in Molecular Virology and epidemiology obtained in March 2013 at the University Paris-Didérot (Paris VII) and University of Yaoundé I. He is currently a senior virologist within the Research Team ''Emerging and Re-emerging'' research team. His research interests focus on the investigation of virus-specific molecular features that can combine with other epidemiologic factors to favor the emergence, virulence and propagation of virus strains with potential particular phenotypic properties including neuro-virulence, pathogenicity and transmissibility. He is responsible of the coordination of the Research pole of the Virology Department of CPC.
Dr. Serge Alain SADEUH MBA is also involved in laboratory surveillance of high consequence pathogens as the supervisor of the National Reference laboratories for the surveillance of rabies, Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (VHF) and monkey pox.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (3)
WHO - HOPOL1206310
Works (50 of 51)