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Works (31)

Long-term outcome and risk stratification in compensated advanced chronic liver disease after HCV-cure

2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Semmler; Sonia Alonso López; Monica Pons; Sabela Lens; Elton Dajti; Marie Griemsmann; Alberto Zanetto; Lukas Burghart; Stefanie Hametner-Schreil; Lukas Hartl et al.
Source: check_circle

Insulin‐like growth factor‐1 in cirrhosis is linked to hepatic dysfunction and fibrogenesis and predicts liver‐related mortality

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Michael Schwarz; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Peter Wolf; David Josef Maria Bauer; Bernhard Scheiner; Lorenz Balcar; Georg Semmler; Benedikt Silvester Hofer et al.
Source: check_circle

Letter: The Prognostic Role of IGF‐1 in Chronic Liver Disease—Authors' Reply

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Michael Schwarz; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Peter Wolf; David Josef Maria Bauer; Bernhard Scheiner; Lorenz Balcar; Georg Semmler; Benedikt Silvester Hofer et al.
Source: check_circle

Minimal residual ascites three months after TIPS implantation indicates worse clinical outcome in patients with liver cirrhosis

JHEP Reports
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jim Benjamin Mauz; Lukas Hartl; Andrea Kornfehl; Sarah Lisa Schütte; Paul Hemetsberger; Theresa Müllner-Bucsics; Mathias Jachs; Anja Tiede; Hannah Rieland; Michael Schwarz et al.
Source: check_circle

A systematic PCR record‐based re‐call of HCV‐RNA‐positive people enables re‐linkage to care and HCV elimination in Austria — The ELIMINATE project

Liver International
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Lorenz Balcar; Michael Schwarz; Livia Dorn; Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; Lukas Weseslindtner; Nikolaus Pfisterer; Barbara Hennlich; Annika Stückler; Robert Strassl et al.
Source: check_circle

Does encephalopathy with early onset after TIPS impact on mortality?

Journal of Hepatology
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Andrea Kornfehl; Thomas Reiberger
Source: check_circle

Decreased platelet activation predicts hepatic decompensation and mortality in patients with cirrhosis

2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Benedikt S. Hofer; Ksenia Brusilovskaya; Benedikt Simbrunner; Lorenz Balcar; Beate Eichelberger; Silvia Lee; Lukas Hartl; Philipp Schwabl; Mattias Mandorfer; Simon Panzer et al.
Source: check_circle

High histamine levels are associated with acute‐on‐chronic liver failure and liver‐related death in patients with advanced chronic liver disease

Liver International
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Schwarz; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; Lorenz Balcar; David J. M. Bauer; Georg Semmler; Benedikt S. Hofer; Bernhard Scheiner; Matthias Pinter et al.
Source: check_circle

Simple blood tests to diagnose compensated advanced chronic liver disease and stratify the risk of clinically significant portal hypertension

2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Semmler; Lukas Hartl; Yuly Paulin Mendoza; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Lorenz Balcar; Michael Schwarz; Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Laurenz Fritz; Anna Schedlbauer et al.
Source: check_circle

Validation of Baveno VII criteria and other non-invasive diagnostic algorithms for clinically significant portal hypertension in hepatitis delta

Journal of Hepatology
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathias Jachs; Lisa Sandmann; Lukas Hartl; Tammo Tergast; Michael Schwarz; David Josef Maria Bauer; Lorenz Balcar; Alena Ehrenbauer; Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Markus Cornberg et al.
Source: check_circle

Post-treatment LSM rather than change during treatment predicts decompensation in patients with cACLD after HCV cure

Journal of Hepatology
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Semmler; Sonia Alonso López; Monica Pons; Sabela Lens; Elton Dajti; Marie Griemsmann; Alberto Zanetto; Lukas Burghart; Stefanie Hametner-Schreil; Lukas Hartl et al.
Source: check_circle

The deep abdominal ultrasound transducer (DAX) increases the success rate and diagnostic accuracy of shear wave elastography for liver fibrosis assessment in patients with obesity—A prospective biopsy‐controlled study

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: David J. M. Bauer; Larissa Nixdorf; Nina Dominik; Michael Schwarz; Benedikt S. Hofer; Lukas Hartl; Georg Semmler; Mathias Jachs; Benedikt Simbrunner; Julia Jedamzik et al.
Source: check_circle

Prognostic performance of non-invasive tests for portal hypertension is comparable to that of hepatic venous pressure gradient

Journal of Hepatology
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; Benedikt Simbrunner; Georg Semmler; Lorenz Balcar; Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Michael Schwarz; David Bauer; Albert Friedrich Stättermayer; Matthias Pinter et al.
Source: check_circle

Lower free triiodothyronine (fT3) levels in cirrhosis are linked to systemic inflammation, higher risk of acute-on-chronic liver failure, and mortality

JHEP Reports
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Peter Wolf; David Josef Maria Bauer; Bernhard Scheiner; Lorenz Balcar; Georg Semmler; Michael Schwarz; Rodrig Marculescu et al.
Source: check_circle

Hepatic recompensation according to Baveno VII criteria is linked to a significant survival benefit in decompensated alcohol‐related cirrhosis

Liver International
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Benedikt Simbrunner; Lukas Hartl; Mathias Jachs; Lorenz Balcar; Rafael Paternostro; Philipp Schwabl; Georg Semmler; Bernhard Scheiner; Michael Trauner et al.
Source: check_circle

An impaired pituitary–adrenal signalling axis in stable cirrhosis is linked to worse prognosis

JHEP Reports
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Peter Wolf; David Josef Maria Bauer; Bernhard Scheiner; Lorenz Balcar; Georg Semmler; Michael Schwarz; Rodrig Marculescu et al.
Source: check_circle

Long-term follow-up of patients discontinuing bulevirtide treatment upon long-term HDV-RNA suppression

JHEP Reports
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathias Jachs; Marlene Panzer; Lukas Hartl; Michael Schwarz; Lorenz Balcar; Jeremy V. Camp; Petra Munda; Mattias Mandorfer; Michael Trauner; Stephan W. Aberle et al.
Source: check_circle

Reply: Progressive cholestasis and associated sclerosing cholangitis are complications of COVID-19 in patients with chronic liver disease

2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Thomas Reiberger; Michael Trauner
Source: check_circle

Impact of ammonia levels on outcome in clinically stable outpatients with advanced chronic liver disease

JHEP Reports
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Lorenz Balcar; Julia Krawanja; Bernhard Scheiner; Rafael Paternostro; Benedikt Simbrunner; Georg Semmler; Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; Albert Friedrich Stättermayer; Philipp Schwabl et al.
Source: check_circle


2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Thomas Reiberger; Michael Trauner
Source: check_circle

Alpha-1 antitrypsin Pi∗Z allele is an independent risk factor for liver transplantation and death in patients with advanced chronic liver disease

JHEP Reports
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Lorenz Balcar; Bernhard Scheiner; Markus Urheu; Patrick Weinberger; Rafael Paternostro; Benedikt Simbrunner; Lukas Hartl; Mathias Jachs; David Bauer; Georg Semmler et al.
Source: check_circle

Acute hemodynamic response to propranolol predicts bleeding and nonbleeding decompensation in patients with cirrhosis

Hepatology Communications
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Benedikt S. Hofer; Benedikt Simbrunner; David J. M. Bauer; Rafael Paternostro; Philipp Schwabl; Bernhard Scheiner; Georg Semmler; Lukas Hartl; Mathias Jachs; Barbara Datterl et al.
Source: check_circle

Risk of further decompensation/mortality in patients with cirrhosis and ascites as the first single decompensation event

JHEP Reports
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lorenz Balcar; Marta Tonon; Georg Semmler; Valeria Calvino; Lukas Hartl; Simone Incicco; Mathias Jachs; David Bauer; Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Carmine Gabriele Gambino et al.
Source: check_circle

Long-Term Outcome of HBV-Infected Patients with Clinically Significant Portal Hypertension Achieving Viral Suppression

Journal of Personalized Medicine
2022-02-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; David Bauer; Benedikt Simbrunner; Albert Stättermayer; Robert Strassl; Michael Trauner; Mattias Mandorfer; Thomas Reiberger
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Cirrhosis-Associated RAS-Inflammation-Coagulation Axis Anomalies: Parallels to Severe COVID-19

Journal of Personalized Medicine
2021-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Mathias Jachs; Benedikt Simbrunner; David J. M. Bauer; Georg Semmler; Daniela Gompelmann; Thomas Szekeres; Peter Quehenberger; Michael Trauner; Mattias Mandorfer et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Safety of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with advanced liver disease

Liver International
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Semmler; Katharina Pomej; David J. M. Bauer; Lorenz Balcar; Benedikt Simbrunner; Teresa Binter; Lukas Hartl; Jeannette Becker; Matthias Pinter; Peter Quehenberger et al.
Source: check_circle

COVID‐19 ‐Related Downscaling of In‐Hospital Liver Care Decreased Patient Satisfaction and Increased Liver‐Related Mortality

Hepatology Communications
2021-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2471-254X
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Georg Semmler; Benedikt Silvester Hofer; Nawa Schirwani; Mathias Jachs; Benedikt Simbrunner; David Josef Maria Bauer; Teresa Binter; Katharina Pomej; Matthias Pinter et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lukas Hartl via Crossref Metadata Search

Individualized treatment options for patients with non-cirrhotic and cirrhotic liver disease

World Journal of Gastroenterology
2021-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1007-9327
Contributors: Lukas Hartl; Joshua Elias; Gerhard Prager; Thomas Reiberger; Lukas W Unger
Source: Self-asserted source
Lukas Hartl via Crossref Metadata Search

Patterns of acute decompensation in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis and course of acute‐on‐chronic liver failure

United European Gastroenterology Journal
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Lorenz Balcar; Georg Semmler; Katharina Pomej; Benedikt Simbrunner; David Bauer; Lukas Hartl; Mathias Jachs; Rafael Paternostro; Theresa Bucsics; Matthias Pinter et al.
Source: check_circle

Systemic inflammation increases across distinct stages of advanced chronic liver disease and correlates with decompensation and mortality

Journal of Hepatology
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Dalila Costa; Benedikt Simbrunner; Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; David Bauer; Rafael Paternostro; Philipp Schwabl; Bernhard Scheiner; Albert Friedrich Stättermayer; Matthias Pinter et al.
Source: check_circle

Amelioration of systemic inflammation in advanced chronic liver disease upon beta-blocker therapy translates into improved clinical outcomes

2020-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0017-5749
Contributors: Mathias Jachs; Lukas Hartl; Dunja Schaufler; Christopher Desbalmes; Benedikt Simbrunner; Ernst Eigenbauer; David Josef Maria Bauer; Rafael Paternostro; Philipp Schwabl; Bernhard Scheiner et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lukas Hartl via Crossref Metadata Search

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for JHEP reports. (1)