Personal information

United States


Employment (2)

Cargill Animal Nutrition: Brookville, Ohio, US

2020-02-01 to present | Technology Application Lead for Young Animal Nutrition (Strategic Marketing and Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

Provimi North America Inc: Brookville, OH, US

2015-08-10 to 2020-02-01 | Calf and Heifer Specialist (Dairy Technical Service)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

Education and qualifications (3)

Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN, US

2011-06-01 to 2016-09-01 | PhD (Animal Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN, US

2008-08-01 to 2011-05-31 | MS (Animal Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

University of Florida: Gainesville, FL, US

2004-08-15 to 2008-05-31 | BS (Animal Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

Professional activities (1)

American Dairy Science Association: Champaign, Illinois, US

2009-01-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis

Works (43)

Effect of medium-chain fatty acids on growth, health, and immune response of dairy calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Rebecca N. Klopp; Juan F. Hernandez Franco; Harm Hogenesch; Tana S. Dennis; Kate E. Cowles; Jacquelyn P. Boerman
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of milk replacer allowances and levels of starch in pelleted starter on nutrient digestibility, whole gastrointestinal tract fermentation, and pH around weaning

Journal of Dairy Science
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: T.T. Yohe; T.S. Dennis; C. Villot; J.D. Quigley; T.M. Hill; F.X. Suarez-Mena; K.M. Aragona; A. Pineda; A.H. Laarman; J.H.C. Costa et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Performance and visceral tissue growth and development of Holstein calves fed differing milk replacer allowances and starch concentrations in pelleted starter

Journal of Dairy Science
2022-05 | Journal article
Contributors: T.T. Yohe; T.S. Dennis; L.N. Buss; E.J.D. Croft; J.D. Quigley; T.M. Hill; F.X. Suárez-Mena; K.M. Aragona; A.H. Laarman; J.H.C. Costa et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Diets and feed management post-weaning to first-calving

Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences: Third edition
2021 | Book chapter


Contributors: James, R.E.; Dennis, T.S.; Hill, T.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of increasing the amount of hay fed on Holstein calf performance and digestibility from 2 to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15253198 00220302
Contributors: Aragona, K.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Quigley, J.D.; Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Replacing soybean hulls with grass hay on growth, intake, total tract digestibility, and rumen microbial nitrogen production of weaned Holstein dairy calves from 8 to 16 weeks of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15253198 00220302
Contributors: Mitchell, L.K.; Chishti, G.A.; Dennis, T.S.; Heinrichs, A.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Starch–protein interaction in the rumen of weaned dairy calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15253198 00220302
Contributors: Chishti, G.A.; Mitchell, L.K.; Dennis, T.S.; Hill, T.M.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Heinrichs, A.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of mixed tocopherols added to milk replacer and calf starter on intake, growth, and indices of stress

Journal of Dairy Science
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: J.D. Quigley; T.M. Hill; T.S. Dennis; F.X. Suarez-Mena; W. Hu; S. Kahl; T.H. Elsasser
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of feeding milk replacer at a moderate rate, ad libitum, or with a step-up program on Holstein calf growth performance to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: F.X. Suarez-Mena; T.S. Dennis; K.M. Aragona; T.M. Hill; J.D. Quigley; R.L. Schlotterbeck
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and fat content on Jersey calf nutrient digestion and performance to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: F.X. Suarez-Mena; T.S. Dennis; C.E. Chapman; K.M. Aragona; T.M. Hill; J.D. Quigley; R.L. Schlotterbeck
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Meta-analysis of effects of age on intestinal digestibility of liquid feeds in young calves

JDS Communications
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: J.D. Quigley; T.S. Dennis; F.X. Suarez-Mena; T.M. Hill; K.M. Aragona
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Models to predict dry feed intake in Holstein calves to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: J.D. Quigley; T.S. Dennis; F.X. Suarez-Mena; C.E. Chapman; T.M. Hill; K.M. Aragona
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effect of amount of milk replacer fed and the processing of corn in starter on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and rumen and fecal fibrolytic bacteria of dairy calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: van Niekerk, J.K.; Fischer-Tlustos, A.J.; Deikun, L.L.; Quigley, J.D.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Guan, L.L.; Steele, M.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of starter form, starch concentration, and amount of forage fed on Holstein calf growth from 2 to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Aragona, K.M.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Quigley, J.D.; Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of milk replacer feeding rates on growth performance of Holstein dairy calves to 4 months of age, evaluated via a meta-analytical approach

Journal of Dairy Science
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Aragona, K.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Postweaning response on growth and nutrient digestion to using different weaning strategies when feeding moderate and high amounts of milk replacer to Holstein calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Klopp, R.N.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Lascano, G.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of colostrum and milk replacer feeding rates on intake, growth, and digestibility in calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Quigley, J.D.; Deikun, L.; Hill, T.M.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Hu, W.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of fatty acids and calf starter form on intake, growth, digestion, and selected blood metabolites in male calves from 0 to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Quigley, J.D.; Hill, T.M.; Hulbert, L.E.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, X.F.; Bortoluzzi, E.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of feeding different amounts of milk replacer on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in Holstein calves to 2 months of age using different weaning strategies

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Klopp, R.N.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Lascano, G.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effects of free-choice hay and straw bedding on digestion of nutrients in 7-week-old Holstein calves

Applied Animal Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

25902865 25902873

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Quigley, J.D.; Aragona, K.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of free-choice hay on intake and growth of Holstein calves fed a textured starter to 2 months of age

Applied Animal Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

25902865 25902873

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and long-term antibiotic inclusion in milk replacer on performance and nutrient digestibility of Holstein dairy calves up to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Estimates of calf starter energy affected by consumption of nutrients. 1. Evaluation of models to predict changing digestion on energy content in calf starters

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Quigley, J.D.; Hu, W.; Knapp, J.R.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Estimates of calf starter energy affected by consumption of nutrients. 2. Effect of changing digestion on energy content in calf starters

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Quigley, J.D.; Hu, W.; Knapp, J.R.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Intake, nutrient digestibility, and growth performance of Holstein dairy calves consuming a milk replacer at moderate or high feeding rates

Journal of Dairy Science
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

CASE STUDY: Control of respiratory disease in male Holstein calves with tildipirosin and effect on health and growth from 0 to 4 months of age

Professional Animal Scientist
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

1525318X 10807446

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Corrigendum to “Effects of gradual and later weaning ages when feeding high milk replacer rates on growth, textured starter digestibility, and behavior in Holstein calves from 0 to 4 months of age” (Journal of Dairy Science (2018) 101(11) (9863–9875), (S002203021830821X) (10.3168/jds.2018-15319))

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Klopp, R.N.; Lascano, G.J.; Hulbert, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of milk replacer feeding rate, age at weaning, and method of reducing milk replacer to weaning on digestion, performance, rumination, and activity in dairy calves to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Hulbert, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of feeding milk replacer at 2 rates with pelleted, low-starch or texturized, high-starch starters on calf performance and digestion

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Quigley, J.D.; Hill, T.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of gradual and later weaning ages when feeding high milk replacer rates on growth, textured starter digestibility, and behavior in Holstein calves from 0 to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Klopp, R.N.; Lascano, G.J.; Hulbert, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Relationships between starch concentration of dry feed, diet digestibility, and growth of dairy calves up to 16 weeks of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Hu, W.; Hill, T.M.; Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Quigley, J.D.; Knapp, J.R.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Short communication: Effect of replacing corn with beet pulp in a high concentrate diet fed to weaned Holstein calves on diet digestibility and growth

Journal of Dairy Science
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Lascano, G.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

CASE STUDY: Control of bovine respiratory disease in dairy calves with tulathromycin and effect on calf health and performance from 0 to 4 months of age

Professional Animal Scientist
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

1525318X 10807446

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of egg yolk inclusion, milk replacer feeding rate, and low-starch (pelleted) or high-starch (texturized) starter on Holstein calf performance through 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Short communication: Use of fecal starch concentration as an indicator of dry feed digestion in preweaned dairy calves

Journal of Dairy Science
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Hu, W.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

TECHNICAL NOTE: Evaluation of an ear-attached movement sensor to record rumination, eating, and activity behaviors in 1-month-old calves

Professional Animal Scientist
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

1525318X 10807446

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hu, W.; Dennis, T.S.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.; Timms, L.L.; Hulbert, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and glucose concentrations in the blood of dairy calves as influenced by age, vaccination stress, weaning, and starter intake including evaluation of BHB and glucose markers of starter intake

Journal of Dairy Science
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Hu, W.; Dennis, T.S.; Hill, T.M.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of milk replacer program on calf performance and digestion of nutrients in dairy calves to 4 months of age

Journal of Dairy Science
2016 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Quigley, J.D.; Bateman, H.G.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Short communication: Changes in body temperature of calves up to 2 months of age as affected by time of day, age, and ambient temperature

Journal of Dairy Science
2016 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253198 00220302

Contributors: Hill, T.M.; Bateman, H.G.; Suarez-Mena, F.X.; Dennis, T.S.; Schlotterbeck, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Intake and growth of prepubertal dairy heifers fed reduced-fat dried distillers grains

Professional Animal Scientist
2014 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

1525318X 10807446

Contributors: Schroer, R.C.; Nennich, T.D.; Dennis, T.S.; Schutz, M.M.; Donkin, S.S.; Little, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of co-grazing dairy heifers with goats on animal performance, dry matter yield, and pasture forage composition

Journal of Animal Science
2012 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15253163 00218812

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Unruh-Snyder, L.J.; Neary, M.K.; Nennich, T.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of feeding hay and baleage to prepubertal dairy heifers during the grower period

Professional Animal Scientist
2012 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

1525318X 10807446

Contributors: Dennis, T.S.; Tower, J.E.; Nennich, T.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier

Characterization of solids and nutrient retention of a manure storage tank in a dairy manure handling system

ASABE - International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture 2010
2010 | Conference paper


Contributors: Nennich, T.D.; Dennis, T.S.; McMillan, J.E.; Sutton, A.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Tana Dennis via Scopus - Elsevier